Chapter 10 - Ruination

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Reader Warning: Detail of traumatic events

Bucky and I pulled away from each other as the music became more upbeat again but we kept our hands clasped together. I walked hand in hand off the dancefloor and towards our friends. Bucky got dragged away by Steve, Sam and Clint who "fake" beat him up as a very bro way of saying congratulations, all of them laughing hysterically. Meanwhile Nat and Wanda dragged me to the bar and pummelled me with a million questions.

"You girls are giving me a headache!"

Nat laughed "Well if you're going to make out with a sexy super soldier in the middle of the room, we're gonna have things to say!"

I laughed and definitely blushed slightly.

"Sooooo, how was it?!" Wanda could barely contain her excitement.

"It was good" Nat and Wanda both raised their eyebrows at me and I gave in closing your eyes and exclaiming "Ok it was amazing and better than I'd even hoped it would be!"

They both whooped and laughed with me. I felt a pair of strong hands rest on my waist and turned round slightly to see Bucky smiling down at me.

"Hey beautiful"

Nat pretended to gag earning a shove from me which made everyone chuckle.

"What? You guys are cute and all but if I have to listen to soppy declarations of emotion or constant pet names, I will pummell you both" Nat said.

"Ha you wish you could" I replied giving her a devilish glance.

"Oh is that a challenge? You might have to protect your girl from me Barnes" said Nat putting up fists as if ready for a fight.

Her calling me "his girl" gave me butterflies. Bucky simply chuckled and replied "I really don't think she needs it"

"Hell no I don't" I said downing my drink to which Nat raised her hands in surrender and ordered another drink.

*2 hours later*

Everyone but the people who lived in the tower had left and we were all sat around chatting aimlessly. I sat next to Bucky who had his arm draped around my shoulders. It felt good to have him so close but I still couldn't quite believe it was real.

Steve stood, "I think I might turn in your guys"

"Hold your spangly horses Cap. I know the perfect way to end the evening" said Tony glancing at me.

"If you want a speech then I'm out, I'd rather jump off the balcony". Bucky smirked placing a kiss on my temple and some others chuckled.

"I was thinking more of a musical end to the night" Tony said with a wink and my stomach did a backflip.

"Heck to the fucking no" I huffed crossing your arms.

"Yo did I miss something?" Asked Sam.

"Well you see my winged friend, y/n has a talent for piano and her file also lists her as an exceptional singer. One of her many talents used in the field for deception" Tony replied.

"Ghee Tony why don't you just print everyone out a copy for bedtime reading if you're going to keep spilling all my secrets. I'm getting whiplash from you constantly springing them on me" I playfully glared at him across the room. It was true that I had used the cover of a 'musician' on some missions. The organisation insisted everyone had a non-combat ability. Some could dance, others were artists but I was a singer and they made me learn piano too to accompany it.

"Well I know I'd like to hear something" Bucky said to which I jabbed an elbow in his ribs.

"What? I'm sure you have a stunning voice" I gave him a small smile but ultimately decided to poke my tongue out at him in protest like the true adult I am.

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