Chapter 18 - Slip Away

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"Funny that you call him Devil and he calls you Angel."

I span around to see Rose staring back at me grinning smugly, "I would never have you pegged as the angelic type"


"How the hell did you get in here?" I asked glaring at her.

"You always ask so many questions." She replied leaning against my bathroom's doorframe. "I guess Tony Stark's cameras don't do their job very well. I walked right in, no questions asked"

She was in backless black dress that hugged her figure. Her long blonde hair was straightened and she look irritatingly stunning.

"You may have gotten in here but there's no way you're walking out Rose"

"How do you know I want to?" She replied grinning, "I've grown tired of trying to capture you to sell to the highest bidder. They're all so needy." Rose looked me dead in the eye as her grin widened, "So now I've decided to just kill you"

I didn't have time to think of a strategy. Rose kicked me back into my bathroom's full length mirror and leapt on me. I punched her gut making her grunt but she just clasped her hand around my wrist, turning me around and pinning it behind my back before grabbing my hair and smashing my head into the mirror. The mirror cracked like a spider web and I could see the blood running down my face. The impact made me feel dizzy and I slid down the mirror to the floor.

"This is pathetic" Rose laughed, "guess I wasn't really 2nd best after all. Maybe I should go find the gorgeous soldier, he's probably put up more of a fight"

The mention of Bucky rialled me up and I upper cut Rose's chin as I stood, splitting her lip open. I followed it by a right hook to her ribs and a knee into her gut that made her gasp. Then I pushed her over my desk chair so she fell to the ground and receieved a large gash in her arm from a sharp corner of my desk. She groaned on the floor.

"Piece of advice Rose, don't threaten the man I love. It rubs me up the wrong way" I said with a fake sweet smile.

"How adorable. I wonder if he'll fight for you the same way" Rose smirked and in seconds had plunged a needle into my calf emptying it fully. I kicked her jaw so she fell back but the damage was done. I felt faint and sick. I stumbled before collasping taking out most of the things on my desk with me. My breathing was ragged and my calf burned where I had been stabbed with the needle.

"Now before you ask y/n, I injected you with liquid Thallium so you're as good as dead."

My heart was pounding. Thallium acted slow but it would eventually kill me. All my thoughts turned to Bucky, my death would destroy him. I think that was the point.

Rose tapped her watch twice, "Get in here. The show's about to begin"

I had to think quickly. I knew I was dying but I wasn't going to let Rose get away with it or hurt Bucky. All of a sudden my mind flashed back to the first time I saw my powers in the training room. That version of me had tapped a watch twice like Rose had and then my head. I think I was somehow warning myself about this moment, telling myself to use my powers when I saw someone tap their watch twice. It was a long shot and far out theory but it's all I had.

Rose looked impatient, the people she'd summonded were taking too long. She rolled her eyes and looked at me on the floor, "Don't move", she chuckled, "I mean not that you could even if you wanted to". Bitch.

She left the room and I acted quickly. I shuffled to the left slightly and projected another version of myself back where I'd been originally. I used all the strength I had left to drag myself over to my bedside table, reaching into the drawer and taking out a needle full of adrenaline. I didn't know how long it would last but it would give me enough strength to finally stop Rose. I jabbed it into my arm and emptied the dose. Footsteps started getting closer to my room and I made my real form disappear so they could only see the illusion version. I looked pretty beat up. A purple and blue bruise was blossoming on my forehead as blood ran from the gash the mirror left. My dress was ripped on the left side where more bruising was forming and the mirror had cut my right arm too so blood trickled from there too.

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