Chapter 12 - Freaky Friday

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My eyes fluttered open and the lights of the meeting room blinded me so I brought my arm up to cover them but felt a sharp pain in the crease of my elbow. I turned my head to the side slightly to see an IV in my arm connected a bag Bruce was holding up.

"You scared the shit out of me y/n". I turned my head to the left to see Bucky sat on the floor next to me still holding my hand. He looked at me with a mixture of concern and relief that I was awake. He helped me sit up and Steve knelt down behind me in case I fell back down.

I squeezed his hand. "I'm ok Bucky. Why have I got an IV?"

"You had a seizure so I gave you some Topiramate" Bruce informed me.

"A seizure?! I thought I'd just blacked out for a sec" I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. "When Bucky said the word 'illusion', it felt like some bastard poked my brain with a hot poker. Then I saw another memory that I guess was being blocked by the surpressor"

"What did you see?" Tony asked me. His facial expression was more curious than concerned.

"I was training at the organisation. I projected a version of myself to the opposite side of the room and controlled it so it fought another agent. I didn't feel any if the hits against the figure of me but I injured the other agent. Then the other 'me' disappeared."

"How is that even possible?" Asked Steve clearing just as perplexed as I was.

"Maybe she has powers that are another version of mine?" Wanda asked. "I can get inside people's minds and show them things that were already there. Maybe y/n can show them what's not there?"

Wanda's revelation hit me like a tonne of bricks "They'll never see you coming" I whispered to myself repeating the words from my nightmare. I couldn't stop a smile spreading across my face as the puzzle pieces started slotting together.

"Uh babe, not to be rude but you look a little psychotic smiling like that right now." Bucky said frowning at me.

I giggled slightly and closed my eyes, focusing on what I wanted to happen. I imagined myself sat in the chair Tony had been in during the meeting and at the same time I invisioned my actual body disappearing from the floor where I was sat next to Bucky. The gasps and steps back from me that I heard told me that something had worked. I opened my eyes to see everyone doing double take from where I was still sat and the figure of me sat smiling in Tony's chair. I looked down and saw nothing. I was still sat there but I couldn't be seen anymore. I stood up slowly and took out the IV from my arm. No one around me flinched. I walked a few steps forward and brushed past Clint who shivered slightly. Ok so they can feel me if I touch them but can see me, noted.

"Y/n? Please explain what's happening right now" Bucky asked moving around the table towards the version of me sat at the table.

"Isn't it obvious?" I replied but the mouth on the figure of me didn't move.

"Ok what kind of voodoo shit is this?" Sam asked looking around with everyone else for the source of the voice. I made my way over to the version of me sat down and focused on the words coming out both our mouths as I made myself reappear standing behind her.

I laughed as everyone looked between both of us, "Guess we know I definitely have powers now".

Tony held the bridge of his nose, "Ok freaky friday, would you mind explaining that?" He pointed at the 2nd version of me.

I focused my mind and the figure shuddered before disappearing.

"In my nightmare I was told that 'they' wouldn't see me coming and Wanda figured out that maybe I could show you what's not there."

A Winter Soldier and A Lost CauseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora