Chapter 22 - Welcome home Princess

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A/N: Over 8000 words y'all and it's dark as hell. Hope you like!

A figure stalked over to me as I lay spawled on Bucky's chest, my leg still trapped. The person crouched down before me but my vision was too blurred by now to be able to make them out. Their fingers grazed my cheek and their words were the last thing I heard before blacking out:

"Welcome home Princess"



I could hear muffled voices as I started coming to. The last thing I remembered was the jet crashing into the ground and a piece of debris hit my head, knocking me out cold. I could feel the dried blood on the side of my face by my ear and I wasn't led down which told me I wasn't in a medbay. My awareness of my limbs increased as I opened my eyes so I could make out that I was stood up, my hands and arms above my head. The room was made up of concrete floors and walls with 2 large windows that were boarded up so only slithers of daylight broke through. There were reinforced steel doors on the walls behind me and in front but they both appeared to be locked as their bolts sat comfortably within the wall. I looked up and saw old metal piping across the ceiling with my hands hanging from a chain that was attached to a group of them. I tried to pull the chain down but it was too thick to break, even for me.

 I tried to pull the chain down but it was too thick to break, even for me

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(A/N: Imagine this room but with the windows boarded up)

"It's pointless to try and break them Soldat, the chain is vibranium just like your arm" A man had entered from the door behind me so I swiveled round to meet his cold gaze. He spoke with a subtle Russian accent but I'd heard enough of them to recognise it. I knew he was waiting for me to ask questions like how did I get here or who are you but I refused to give him anything. Instead I turned myself back round using my tiptoes as my arms were strung so high my feet couldn't reach the floor properly.

The man chuckled and walked around the room until he was facing me. "I expected nothing less from you Soldier and I know it won't be simple to get what I want from you... but I have resources... *he looked at me with a smug glint in his eye*... and ways to motivate you."

My mind was racing trying to decipher what he meant but I kept my features stern, not giving anything away. He grinned wickedly and yelled out.

"Приведи Девушку" he and a sudden sense of fear spiked in my chest.
("Bring the girl")

The door on the wall in front of me creaked as it opened and 2 guards walked in holding someone by her hands and feet. My heart dropped and I struggled against my restraints as my fear became a reality and they brought y/n into the room. She was unconcious as they wrapped chains around her already bound wrists about 3 meters to my left. She hung there silently, not moving or fighting them.

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