Chapter 4 - Truth or Dare

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I turned around. Bucky was stood there. I hadn't even heard him come back. He'd seen the scars on my back and no doubt wanted an explanation. Fuck


I just stared at Bucky not knowing what to say or do. I was frozen.


I could sense she was uneasy and didn't know what to do. Y/n just stared at me. I felt anger seeing her back. There were lines covering it, in every direction. Whip marks. And on her right shoulder a symbol had been branded on her. Burned into her skin. The rage I felt took me by surprise, I coped with memories of my own years of torture, not always very well but I did. I never felt angry about my scars or my arm like I did seeing her back. Her eyes started to well up. She'd told me just a few minutes ago she was "damaged" but I didn't think she meant like this. Physical damage.

I didn't think. I just walked over to her and wrapped her in my arms.


Bucky held me in his arms. His hand on my bare back, feeling my scars beneath them. He didn't ask me about them. He just said "It's ok, you're ok" over and over again.

He stepped back, releasing me slightly. I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off. "It's ok, you don't need to explain anything. I'm not going to tell anyone and you don't have to say a word. I never saw them"

I couldn't believe how kind he was being. Just 2 days ago he barely spoke to me and now he was comforting me as I cried. He'd probably been through worse than me as the Winter Soldier but he didn't see me as pathetic for tearing up over past injuries. I wanted to tell him. I know he wasn't asking me to but I wanted to share with him.

"When I didn't perform well on mission or sparring against other assassins in the organisation..." I took a deep breath, "our trainer would whip us. Once for each failure. And the... the symbol on my shoulder. It's the brand of the organisation. To show I belong to them"

Bucky lifted my chin with his hand. "You don't belong to anyone. Not anymore and never again. I promise"

I nodded and wiped tears from my face. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Well I've seen how good you are in a fight so I figured it's best to be on your good side" he said

I giggled and smiled. A real smile. God it felt good to smile.

"I guess, I understand your pain." he said. "I didn't have anyone for a long time who understood mine so I'd like to be there for you, to talk to, if you'd let me?"

"I'd like that very much", I smiled again. His effect on me was crazy. "And I'd like to be here for you too, if that's ok?"

He smiled, like he smiled when we was with Steve "Yeah I'd like that".

Wanda called up that dinner was ready. I put on a shirt and walked down to dinner with Bucky, taking seats next to each other at the table. Nat was on my other side.

I leaned in to her, "Sorry I ignored you when you came to check on me. I didn't know how to handle, well being me around everyone".

Nat smiled and took my hand in hers, "It's ok y/n. No one is judging you. I'm here for you"

I miled at her and had the best night eating, talking and learning about the team. I offered to help Wanda with the dishes.

"So, what's up with you and Bucky?" Wanda asked with a grin on her face.

I became nervous. "Nothing is going on". As I said it I looked over at him where he was laughing with Steve. And I couldn't help but smile.

"Nothing eh?" Wanda said and I splashed water on her. We both started laughing.

I heard y/n laugh and looked over at her smiling. It made me happy to see her like that.

Sam saw me looking at her. "Yo Buck, what's the big grin for? Or should I say who?"

I'm pretty sure I blushed. Sam continued "Don't mess it up. You could have something amazing with her Buck, something real"

I looked back at her and couldn't help it. I was starting to fall for her... and it terrified me.

*about an hour passed and you're all now sat in the lounge area*

"Alright" said Tony standing up. "The only thing to make this wonderful night even better is definitely a game that throws caution to the wind." He put his drink up and exclaimed "Truth or Dare". There was a rumble of laughter and chatter among the group. Tony continued, "I'll go first, Wanda my dear, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth" she said.

"How do you feel about Vision?" Tony asked, receiving a pillow thrown at him by Wanda using her magic. Everyone laughed.

Wanda blushed and answered saying "I care a lot for him, there's no one I'd rather spend time with". Vision smiled and agreed with her. "My turn" she said. "Y/n" she said grinning. Oh crap. "Truth or Dare"

I didn't want to answer anything that would ruin how I was getting on with the team so I chose "Dare"

Sam and Clint made a dramatic "ooooo" sound that made me laugh.

"I dare you.... to kiss the person you find most attractive in this room" Wanda said, clearly very proud of herself, glancing at Bucky.

I felt nausous. Of course Bucky was hot, he was sexy as hell. I thought about kissing someone else but I'd only be lying to myself and that was the opposite of the point of the game. I swallowed my nerves, downed my drink and walked over to him. I sat sideways on his lap and asked quietly "do you mind?"

He grinned, "not at all doll"

I leant in, my heart hammering and softly kissed his lips. It was like a firework. Bucky snaked his metal arm around my waist and his other hand up to my cheek, holding me as he deepened the kiss. It was like no one else in the room existed.

I heard Clint yelling "Earth to lovers, yoohoo" and reluctantly pulled back from Bucky looking into his eyes. He was smiling and I felt something beneath me harden. My eyes widened slightly as Bucky blushed. I leant down and whispered in his ear "to be continued" and smirking I slid off him and went back to sit by Wanda. The team catcalled and whistled at me on my way back to my seat as I smiled gidily. I leant over to Wanda and said "i hate you" but she laughed and said "nope. You love me and you're thankful i made that happen". I just smiled and enjoyed the night.

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