Chapter 28

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Tonight was my return since my ambush two weeks ago and I was anxious. I just wanted to get my hands on AJ and everyone else who has put my life through hell over the past month.


I stopped the treadmill and smiled at my boyfriend. I gave him a peck on the cheek and walked over to grab my water, "hey, what's up?"

"Did you want me to go out to the ring with you tonight? I would love to support my beautiful girlfriend."

Dean wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. I smiled, "I would love for you to accompany me to the ring."

"Maybe afterwards we can go back to the hotel room and have a small celebration." He turned me around so I was now looking into his blue eyes. He grabbed my hips harshly and pulled me closer to him, smirking as I bit my lip. Just as he was leaning in, the gym door opened and AJ strolled in with Dolph right by her side.

She stopped and stared at us for a moment, "ew," she said, before skipping towards the other side of the room.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Dean's hand, dragging him out of the gym.

"She's such a bitch. I can't wait until I get my hands on her."

Dean laughed and led me back to our hotel room, before I did anything stupid.

As Dean shut the door behind us, my phone went off and I reached into my pocket, looking at the caller ID and answering.


"Kelsey, we have some news for you. As you know, tonight Stephanie and Hunter have some important news to tell the WWE universe. Now you may want to listen closely, be careful tonight. Punk, Dolph, and Randy are looking to do whatever they can to get you away from Dean. As for The Shield, well they better be prepared for tonight also. I'm sorry Kelsey, good luck."

"Vince, what do you mean -."

The line went dead, leaving me confused and worried.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

I stood there, frozen in place, as Dean looked at me, confusion on his face.

"Who called?"

"That was Vince. He told us to be careful tonight and good luck."

Dean furrowed his eyebrows, "I'll call Seth and Roman, stay here."

I nodded as Dean walked out of the room, dialing a number.

I sat on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands. What could possibly be happening now? It's bad enough that I had to deal with Orton, then the ambush, and now this? What could Stephanie and Hunter possibly have in mind now? All I know is, they are doing what's 'best for business' and usually, that means trouble.


"We would like to take the time to call down The Shield and The Divas Champion, Kelsey Davis."

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield.

Roman, Seth and Dean insisted I walk with then down to the ring, so here I am, walking through the crowd behind Roman.

Fans were touching me, making me feel a bit weird and I touched Roman's arm, enjoying his presence. As we approached the ring, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Dean grabbed onto my hand as Roman, Seth, and him stepped in front of me protectively.

"Good to see you guys," Stephanie stepped closer and leaned over to look at me, "how are you doing, Kelsey?"

Dean tensed up and held a microphone up to his lips, "you called us out here for an announcement, right? So get to the point."

Hunter laughed, "you want us to get to the point? Fine. We're gonna have a little main event later. Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Randy Orton, and AJ against the team of The Shield and Kelsey Davis."

Stephanie placed her hand on his husbands chest, "Hunter, that's not what we agreed on. I think you're missing the most important part."

I glared at Stephanie as Hunter stroked his chin, acting like he was thinking. Suddenly, he smiled a wicked smile, making me feel sick to my stomach.

"Oh yes, Kelsey, if your team loses that match, you will no longer be in The Shields corner. You will work for Orton."

Before I knew it, I was rushing out of the arena before a huge brawl broke out.


Roman held my hair back as I threw up all the contents in my stomach into the toilet. I felt a hand soothingly rubbing my back and I wiped my mouth off with my sleeve.

"Oh my gosh, is she okay?"

I heard one of the Bella's ask Roman as she replaced his hand with her own.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, she's just nervous about the match tonight."

I wanted to yell at him, tell him that I was more than nervous, I was scared. I just couldn't find the energy to do it. Right now, I just wanted to be in Deans arms.

As if he heard my thoughts, Deans voice raced through the hallways.

"Where the hell is Kelsey?!"

I heard Seth telling him to calm down, but Deans voice overpowered his. I heard a loud bang and Roman sighed before walking towards the two men.

"Kelsey," seconds later, Dean raced over to me and Brie immediately released my hair, making it fall in my face, "come here."

I didn't hesitate as I wrapped my arms around him, sobbing into his neck. He lifted me up and my legs immediately hooked around his waist. He carried me into a locker room and locked the door behind him before placing me onto a chair. He knelt down in front of me, giving me a sad look.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I just, I didn't think Hunter would do that." He let out a frustrated scream and got up, hitting a locker. "Fuck. Why would they do that? They know how I feel about you and Orton."

I wiped my nose and stood up, wrapping my arms around Dean, "they're doing it because they know it gets to you. They like the pleasure of knowing that it ticks you off." Dean sighed and kissed the top of my head.

"I can assure you that you are not leaving us tonight, you are not leaving me."

I smiled, "I wouldn't want it any other way, Dean."


I finally updated! Yay :)


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