Chapter 40

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Payback. That was a perfect way to describe tonight. I was finally going to get my payback on Paige. Although my match was a fatal four way, I still get to get my hands on the British lady.

There were a lot of matches scheduled for tonight and I believe all of them will be great matches. Roman, Seth, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt, and Kane are all competing in a money in the bank ladder match. I was rooting for Roman, of course, because he deserves it. He's been working hard and he definitely should be getting his hands on the title soon. However, if Seth wins, I'll be completely okay with that but that's for me, and me only, to know. We have Dean and Sheamus competing for the United States championship, it's obvious who I want to win, even if we are fighting currently. Golddust and Stardust are competing against Erick Rowen and Luke Harper to determine the number one contenders for the tag titles.

I watched the TV as half of the roster competed for the Intercontinental championship. So far, Dolph was dominating and I smiled. I hope he retained, but even if he doesn't, he'll still be able to get that WWE title shot.

"Hey Champ, ready to kick some ass?" Seth peeped his head in the door and I signaled him in before shutting the door after him.

"I'm not champion yet, but I appreciate your support." Seth laughed and looked around the room, "Roman is trying to calm Dean down before his match. I don't need to deal with him now. Speaking of matches, ready for yours?" I answered him before he could ask, which he nodded his head too.

"Trust me, I'll be champion before you know it." I smiled and let out a heavy sigh.

"My match is up next and my nerves are starting to kick in." Seth walked over to me, dropping his bag on the floor and put his hands on my shoulders.

"You'll be fine. It's just like the first time with AJ, only with a few more divas in the mix. I'm sure Nikki and Brie have your back too, don't worry. You'll do great, I believe in you." Seth stared into my eyes and I looked back, before I found myself looking at his lips.

"Davis, your match is up next. Be out there in two minutes." I pulled away from Seth and coughed slightly, breaking up the awkward state we were just in.

"Looks like that's my cue, I'll see you after the match."

Before I could leave, Seth grabbed my arm, "I'll be watching you. Remember, I believe in you." His eyes scanned my face and I nodded, pushing a strand of hair out of my face before running to the Gorilla. Game time.


Paige handed her title to the referee but not before giving it a kiss. She took off her jacket and did her usual scream before turning to me and waving. Brie and Nikki looked at me and smirked. I talked to them before the match and we agreed that we work together to make sure Paige is out of the picture. Then, may the best diva win. Either way, we were going out to celebrate later.

"Good luck," I looked down and Paige was holding her hand out for me to shake it, "you're gonna need it." I gave her a disgusted look and backed away from her. If she thinks that after blind sighting me, taking my title away from me and then attempting to show me some respect will make me respect her, she's wrong.

The bell rang and I immediately went after Paige, as did the Bella Twins. We attacked her until she was backed up into the corner and she pushed us back. She went after Nikki and I looked at Brie. We shook hands as a sign of respect and then locked up. I managed to get her into a chokehold until someone hit me from behind, knocking me to the ground. Nikki looked down at me, a slight grin on her face. She offered her hand and I took it, pulling her down with me. I hit her with a few punches before getting off her and throwing her into the ropes. She bounced back and hit me, sending me to the ropes. I got in between the second and third ropes, and swung back with much force, clotheslining her. The crowd whistled in excitement seeing me use Dean's move.

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