Chapter 4

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The sounds of beeping monitors woke me up. I sat up and took in my surroundings. Where am I? Then I remembered how I got sick and I was brought to the hospital.

"Kelsey! How are you doing?" Roman came in and rushed to my side. It still felt weird talking to him, but I guess it was bound to happen sometime.

"I'm better. What the hell happened?" I asked and looked into Roman's eyes, which had a look of sadness in them.

"Your kidneys were hurting you. They took a bunch of tests to see what was wrong and they found a kidney stone inside of you."

A kidney stone? "Roman, is that gonna affect my career?" I asked him, eyes growing wide.

The door suddenly opened and a brunette nurse came in with a clipboard in her hands.

"Hello, Kelsey Davis?" I nodded as she walked over to me. "Well as you probably already know, we found several kidney stones inside of your uterus. We took a few tests and the surgery went well."

"Is the surgery gonna affect my wrestling career or..?" I asked.

"Not at all, you'll be fine if you just drink lots of liquids. You need to stay overnight one more night, but you're free to go tomorrow morning. Just call someone if you need anything."

"Okay, thank you." I watched as she walked outside and gently closed the door behind her. I turned to Roman, "thanks Ro. If you weren't with me then I would probably be in very severe pain right now, leaning over the toilet not knowing what the hell to do."

Roman gave me a small smile and grabbed my hand, "Kels, you know I'll always be here for you. I know I broke a promise, but when I wasn't able to talk to you, I just couldn't handle it. I constantly called your mother and father, asking if you were around, but they simply said you didn't want to talk. I felt horrible, but I still don't understand what I did." He looked down and I could tell he felt guilty. That made my heart drop. He did break a promise, but he'll always be my best friend.

"Roman, it was the fact that you told me to call or text you. When I did, you thought it was some joke and messed around at the bar."

"I know, I know. But I didn't realize you were in trouble. It was Devon wasn't it? He hurt you didn't he?" His eyes met mine and I turned away. He placed his fingers on my chin and forced me to look up at him, "Kelsey, what did he do?"

I sighed, figuring he wasn't gonna let this go, "Devon.. He came home drunk and tried to have sex with me." Romans eyes were focused on me now, "he slapped me when I told him no, so when I called you and you didn't answer, I knew I was screwed. He got on top of me and I knew what was gonna happen next. So I did what I had to do and kicked him in the place where the sun don't shine." Roman chuckled before moving his attention back to me, "he grabbed my ankle and pulled me towards him. That night all I remember was emotional and mental pain that I can't get out of my head.." I started to cry and Roman immediately pulled me into his chest.

"Shh, Munchkin. It's gonna be alright. He's gone, you're with us now. We won't let him get to you again. I promise."

I cringed when he said, 'I promise' but I had to trust him. He was still the only person that I trust. After all, he did have his two best friends with him and I know for a fact that they won't let anything happen to me.
When I was able to leave the hospital, I immediately called my mom to tell her how I was doing and check up on the family. Since today was our last day off before I start work again, I made sure I was ready for whatever came to me.

As I was doing my sit-ups, Seth and Roman were cheering me on, pushing me to do more until I couldn't move my body anymore.

"C'mon Kelsey! 10 more and you'll be done. You need to be prepared for the worst tomorrow."

I heard the gym door open and I lost concentration and looked over at Dean who was smirking at me.

"Well if it isn't Miss Princess. The guys working you out nicely?" He asked, in a perverted tone.

I snickered, "Probably better than you ever could."

The boys behind me struggled to keep in their laughs and I stood up and walked right past Dean, grabbing my water.

"You know, I can always prove that statement wrong." I turned around and was met with blue eyes.

"Uh, that wouldn't really be um.. The best thing for uh, b-business." I stuttered. His eyes trailed down my sweaty, glistening body and his mouth curved upwards into a side smirk.

"Why are you so nervous Kelsey? I'm not gonna hurt you. Unless, of course, you like it that way." Dean took a step closer to me and I could feel his hands on my waist.

Completely oblivious to the fact that the others were watching, he planted a kiss on my forehead and chuckled before turning on his heel and talking to his friends.

What. The. Hell.
I know it's short guys, I'm sorry :'(

I had major writers block and I just kinda went along with it.

Don't worry though, next update will be longer and it will be Kelsey's first day at the WWE so we'll see how it goes :)

Follow me on Twitter if you have any questions about anything at all;



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