Chapter 38

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Corey Graves is my weakness, goddamn. But, enjoy the chapter


"Listen to this, Dolph, Paige, Dean and I will face the team of Randy Orton, Kane, and the Bella twins." I read the screen in front of me and Dean grabbed it from me, reading it himself.

"That's an odd combination. Why?" Roman was taping his hands, he had a match against Big Show tonight that he was preparing himself for.

"It says, 'with the tension going on in the ring, I believe that Paige and Kelsey will be the perfect duo. Since AJ is out of action for a few weeks, Paige will take her spot. We have an announcement later tonight after that match, that will clear things up for you. If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.'" Dean explained to us, and handed me the phone back, "so basically, I get my hands on Randy and Kane, while you need to be aware of your own tag team partner. Great." He put his hands together and placed them on the back of his head.

"I don't understand why The Bella's would be dragged into this situation. What even happened to AJ? I'm going to talk to Stephanie about this, I'll be back in a while." I gave Dean a kiss before finding Stephanie.

"Kelsey, come in," instead of Steph's voice, I heard her husbands, which I was not looking forward too, "I was expecting you."

"Hunter, good afternoon," I nodded at him and took a seat, "what happened with AJ?"

"AJ was attacked last week after RAW ended and she has a major concussion, she'll be out of action for a few weeks."

"That's terrible, do you have any idea who did it?" Hunter shook his head but I imagine we both had a clue as to who it was.

"We believe it was Paige, but we don't know for sure. As for the Bella's being in the match, we will announce that later tonight. Now, any other questions?"

Just as I was about to open my mouth, a familiar figure, or should I say figures, stepped into view. Randy, Seth, and Kane were dressed in their ring gear. Seth's new look was fit perfectly for him, especially when it's tight fitting. He was wearing his tight 'Best for Business' shirt and goddamn, I need to stop staring before someone notices.

"Well, well, if it isn't Princess Kelsey," Randy's sick smirk made me want to slap him, "how's Dean doing? Is he still hanging out with Renee? I've seen them together quite a bit a couple nights ago." The mention of Dean and Renee made both me and Seth shift uncomfortably. That's weird.

"Randal, save it for later." Seth placed his hand on Randy's shoulder, while he gave me an apologetic look.

"I was just leaving actually," I turned back to Hunter and shook his hand, "thank you Hunter." I pushed my way past The Authority, but when I passed Seth, he nudged me, making me trip. I gave him a dirty look which he just responded to with a wink.


This tag team match has been mostly my team that's been getting the upper hand. Dean and Dolph have had a few arguments but nonetheless, they worked together most of the time. Seth stood outside of the ring, watching on as his friends got beatdown. Brie and Nikki were bringing their A-game and I knew we would have a fair match. Paige didn't say much throughout the whole match, but when I would go in for a tag, she made sure to slap my hand as hard as she could. Bitch.

"Watch out!" Dolph yelled at me and I was suddenly knocked off the apron with a fierce kick to the gut. I looked up and I saw Paige looking at me, with a confused look on her face. Dean tagged himself in and immediately went after Randy. Seth focused all of his attention on me and got up, kneeling beside me.

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