Chapter 14

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I haven't heard from Dean since the little fallout in Vince's office last week. I talked to Seth and things between us are better, just not the same. It's awkward knowing that he wanted me hurt and he isn't able to take the words back..

I talk to Roman, as usual, and it turns out that Dean left to go back to Ohio while he's suspended.

Waiting for my "boyfriend" I decided to go give Roman a visit. I walked to the locker rooms and knocked softly before the door opened, revealing a good friend of mine.

"Dolph! Hi. Is Roman in here?" Dolph gave me a smile and nodded, moving over so I can get through. I thanked him and walked into the room, spotting Roman talking to Seth.

"Hey guys." I waved and they smiled at me.

"What's up? Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend right now?" Seth teased and I glared at him, making him shut up.

"Don't remind me. It's bad enough that Dean won't talk to me and now that the worlds gonna know that I'm 'dating' Randy is just going to make things worse." Roman chuckled and pulled me into his chest.

"You'll be fine. Remember what Dean said. Randy will be sorry if he lays a finger on you." He gave me a reassuring pat on the back and kissed my forehead before letting me go.

I sighed and turned around, walking out of the locker room. "Good luck!" I heard them call from behind me.

Randy was already at the gorilla when I saw him. He looked over at me and gave me a sick smile, "Nice of you to show up babe." His arm slung over my shoulder and I shrugged it off, turning to face him.

"I'm not in the mood, so don't pull any of your shit tonight."

Randy just laughed and grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him, "Let's go."

His music played and we walked out onto the stage, earning gasps and confused looks from the crowd.

I cringed when I felt Randy pulling me closer and leading me down to the ring. As he approached the ring, he let go of my waist and I walked towards the steps, climbing up and standing by him.

We both watched as Rob Van Dam came out and Randy pushed me to the side, telling me to get out of the ring. I did as I was told and slid out of the ring, taking my seat next to Jerry and Michael Cole.

"Ladies and gentleman, we have Diva Kelsey Davis here joining us as we watch Randy Orton take on Rob Van Dam."

I smiled at them and watched as Randy and Rob locked up.

"So Kelsey, what are you doing out here with Randy?"

I froze. I was hoping to avoid that question, but luckily I came up with an excuse.

"Well, Randy asked me to accompany him tonight as a friend, so that's what I did. I couldn't let a friend down." I licked my lips and fixed my hair, pulling it out of its bun.

"Just a couple weeks ago you and Randy were at each others throats. What's going on with that?" Jerry asked, clearly unconvinced of the whole 'friendship' excuse that I came up with.

I sighed, "Jerry, its all part of the storyline. Randy are really great friends and I would never intentionally hurt him."

After several long minutes, the match was finally over and I took the headset off and applauded Randy.

He smiled at me and I grabbed a microphone, sliding into the ring and handing him it.

"Before I leave, there's something that I need to let everybody know."

I tensed up and let out a shaky breath. This was it. I could already see the crowd hating me for betraying the Shield. It's not like I wanted too though.

Randy grabbed my hand and I took a few cautious steps towards him, "Kelsey and I are a couple."

The crowd went into boos and Randy gripped my waist.

"We wanted to warn everyone in the locker room that they better be careful because the power couple are here now and we will be unstoppable."

Randy handed me the mic, taunting me to say my lines.

I took my shaking hand and grabbed the mic from him, bringing it to my lips. "Believe that." I said and threw the mic down.

Randy smirked and lead me out of the ring. As we walked up the ramp, I could see kids in the front look at me with confused looks and disbelief in their eyes. I moved closer to Randy, needing the protection.

As soon as we got backstage, I released myself and took off towards the locker rooms.

I bumped into someone, making me fall onto the ground.

Vision still cloudy, I looked up and wiped my eyes.

"Kelsey, what's wrong?" I was immediately engulfed in a pair of arms.

"They hate me. My fans.. They c-can't even l-l-look at me. They're so disappointed in me."

Dolph rubbed my back, drawing small circles with his thumb to calm me down. He rested his chin on my head, "they didn't expect it. If they were your real fans, they would support you and the decisions you make."

I sniffled and wiped my nose with the back of my sleeve, "I can't even walk out there without feeling guilty. I let them down. They look up to me and I failed them."

Dolph pulled away and looked into my eyes, "Kelsey. You're a smart girl, you'll find a way out of this." I nodded and listened to his next words, "and just think about it, once Dean gets back; whenever that is. He'll make the right choice. If he cares about you as much as he says, hell make things right. You have to trust yourself and him. Alright?"

I nodded and bit my lip, giving Dolph a hug, "thank you Dolph."

He simply nodded and helped me up, "now, toughen up and go call him."

I gave him a questioning look. He smirked and pushed me towards the locker rooms, "Dean. Talk to him. I know you're hurting."

I gave him one last smile, "Dolph, you're a life saver."

He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, "I'm the show-off. What do you expect?"

I laughed and waved goodbye to him before taking out my cell phone and dialing the familiar number.



"Kelsey, what are you calling for?"

I ran a hand through my hair, "I miss you. I wanted to see how you were doing."

I heard a sigh on the other side of the phone and I bit my lip. "I miss you too. I saw you on the show."

"Yeah, trust me. I'm not happy about it."

"I know, you didn't look it. But listen, I'm gonna get going. It's getting late here. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Alright?"

"Yeah, bye."

"Bye Kelsey."


Second update of the night. Whoop, whoop!






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