Chapter 18

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"Kelsey, I'm sorry, but it's not happening." I groaned, leaning back in the chair. I'm trying to convince Vince to let AJ and I have a singles match before SummerSlam, but he refuses because it brings more excitement to the crowd when we just have our moments as individuals. Whatever that means.

"Can I at least interrupt her match or something? That'll get the crowd riled up." Vince intertwined his fingers together and placed them on his desk, staring right at me.

"You know what you can do Miss Davis?" I raised my eyebrows and sat forward a little bit, "you can commentate ringside with Michael Cole, JBL, and Jerry during AJ's match tonight against Natayla.

I smirked, "that's perfect. Thanks Mr. McMahon."

I sat up and shook his hand, "its a pleasure Kelsey."

I walked out of his office, shutting the door behind me, a huge smile on my face. Roman walked up to me and raised his eyebrows, "why are you so happy?"

I simply shrugged and he followed me to the catering area. Grabbing a cookie from the table, I took a bite and moaned. That was a good cookie.

"Kelsey, are you gonna answer me or are you gonna ignore me and enjoy that cookie?" Roman grabbed the cookie from me and shoved the rest of it into his mouth. My jaw dropped, "that was my cookie." I crossed my arms over my chest and Roman chuckled.

"Well now you can tell me why you're so happy."

"I get to join commentary during AJ's match against Natayla later. You know what that means, Roman?" I smirked and looked up at my best friend, who raised his eyebrows, "that means I get to show AJ who's boss." I winked and grabbed another cookie and sat down at a table next to Brie and Nikki. They both smiled at me.

"Hey girl, what's going on?" Nikki asked and I smiled.

"Nothing really, just the usual." They both nodded and Brie looked at me, "how's it going with Randy and Dean?"

"Things are getting better with Randy. He's starting to get suspicious though. As far as Dean goes, I haven't talked to him in a couple days." I looked down and bit my lip. I've tried multiple times to call Dean, but he just won't answer me. I don't know if he's mad at me or if he's just busy.

Nikki placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me a sad look, "he's probably just not used to being away from you. Plus Randy is dating you onscreen. That's a lot to handle, even for Dean." She had a point. Maybe I was over exaggerating, but it's not my fault that I miss him.

A few voices came up from behind us and soon we were joined by John, Daniel, Roman, and Seth.

"Kelsey? Don't you have somewhere to be soon?" John asked me and I shook my head.

"AJs match isn't until later. I have time to hangout with my buddies." I swung my arms over Nikki and Brie and they both laughed.

"What do you plan on doing out there anyway?" Daniel asked as he scooped up some pasta and shoveled it into his mouth.

Roman groaned, "Bryan, why would you even ask that? You obviously know she won't say anything."

"But she's also my best friend," he turned to me and smiled, "right Kels?"

I chuckled and slowly sat up, "yeah.. Guess you guys will have to wait and see." I stuck my tongue out and left the catering area.


"Roman, leave me alone. I know what I'm doing." I rolled my eyes.

Roman sighed and ran a hand through his long black hair, "I don't want you to get hurt."

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