Chapter 10

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Please read the authors note at the end of this chapter!

It's kinda important. :)




Seth, Roman and I were on our way to the police station to, hopefully, bail Dean out.

This whole thing is confusing; why would he be in jail? What could he have possibly done to-.

"Oh shit." I muttered quietly.


"Is something wrong?"

Man, I have got to stop doing that.

"I may have an idea on why Dean is locked up right now."

Seth turned to look at me, but Roman remained staring at the windshield since he was driving.


"While I was knocked out, I heard him say that he's not letting the man get away with what he did to me. That's probably why he stormed off earlier.. He's getting his revenge and we all know Dean means business when it comes to revenge."

Seth stared at me, eyes wide and then he shook his head rapidly.

"No. No, no, no. This is not happening."

I put a hand on his shoulder, "Seth, it'll be okay. You just have to trust him."

He shoved my hand away and looked back at me.

"It won't be okay Kelsey! My best friend is in jail right now and who knows what'll happen to him! He can easily get suspended and ruin The Shield, better yet, his career," Seth pointed a finger at me, "and this is all your fucking fault."

"Dean's our friend too! How do you think me or Roman feel?! And how the hell is it my fault?!"

"If it wasn't for you being all slutty and drunk and trying to impress Dean, then you wouldn't have that creepy guy all over you that night. Dean should've just left you."

I was surprised by his words and by now, Roman pulled into an empty parking lot by a few stores. Tears welled up in my eyes and my fists clenched, making my knuckles turn white.


I was raging and Roman turned around slightly, trying to calm me down. He lightly touched my arm and I pulled back, glaring at him.

"Don't fucking touch me."

He looked a bit hurt, but I was too mad to care.

"You know Seth, I thought you were actually the nice, caring, sensible one in the group. What the fuck happened? Just because your friend is in jail, doesn't mean you blame others. How would you feel if I got hurt, yet again?"

He stayed quiet and I snickered.

"Exactly. So don't go pointing fingers at me because it wasn't my fault. And whether you like it or not, Dean saved me. And you might wanna watch what you say. Words hurt asshole." I spit and grabbed the door handle, slamming the door shut.

I ran as fast as I could, not bothering to look back. I could hear Roman screaming my name, but my feet couldn't stop now. I don't know where I was going, I just needed to cool down. I found a bench near the park and sat down, setting my purse next to me.

I put my head in my hands and cried my eyes out. I heard a voice behind me and I jumped.


I looked up, my vision cloudy.

"John? What are you doing out here?"

He took a seat next to me and put an arm around me.

"I was on my way to get Nikki so we can go to the gym. What happened with you?"

I sighed heavily and shrugged, "Seth kinda flipped out on me because Dean got locked up and he let his emotions get to the best of him and he said some-"

"Whoa, back it up. Deans in jail?" I nodded, "Well, why? What's he do?"

"I'm not exactly sure, but I think he might've hurt someone badly.." I trailed off, not wanting to go into details.

John slapped his thighs while getting up and turned to face me, "Here, I'll take you to Nikki and Brie. They're right up the hill."

I nodded and he wrapped his arm around me, leading me towards the twins house.

Once we arrived, Brie answered the door and immediately started questioning me.

"Oh my god Kelsey! Are you okay? What happened? Did Dean hurt you? Did any of the guys? What happened to you last night? I didn't see you at all after you got on the bar."

John and Brie both led me to a couch and set me down. Brie sat next to me and John excused himself to go see his girlfriend.

"So, tell me what happened! Are you alright?"

I nodded, "Its a very long story."

Brie grabbed my hand and smiled at me, "Sweetie, I have all the time in the world for my best friend."

I hesitated for a moment before telling her everything. From when I almost got hurt again, to when Dean saved me, to when we found out he went to jail, and then the fight between me and Seth.

She looked at me in disbelief before shaking her head, "That's horrible. What the hell? How is this your fault? At all?"

I shrugged and watched as Brie got up, charging into another room. Minutes later, she grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch.

"Where are we going?"

She told me to shut up and just get in the car, so I had to obey.

What is she doing?


I'm working on a new story right now (My Big Brother) so please check it out! It is a WWE fanfic, so I would greatly appreciate it if you checked that out. :)

I'll be a bit slower on updates because I just moved and I have a lot of personal problems that I need to get situated, so it will take a couple days to update. I'll try to update as frequently as possible for you guys, but I can't make any promises.

Back to TN, what do you guys think about this chapter? I know I made Seth an asshole, but don't worry, it'll get better soon. I just needed to add the drama.



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