Chapter 1

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My eyes darted upwards. I was staring at my 6'3" ex best friend. He looked the same as when I last saw him, only his hair was darker and much longer. His eyes were blue and he definitely grew some muscle on him. Next to him was the rest of The Shield. A man with half black and half blonde hair and brown eyes. Another guy with short, scraggly, almost honey colored hair and light blue eyes.

"Roman?" I stared at him for a while, his blue eyes meeting my amber colored ones, not knowing what to do. And before I knew it, my legs darted across the floor and I ran out of the office.

I found myself seconds later, standing outside the building. I slid my back against the wall and sat down, feeling my bottom get slightly colder due to the cold concrete. I buried my head in my hands and felt my eyes starting to water. Don't cry. Nobody likes a weak competitor. Especially if you're a newbie.




"Roman. I can't do this. It's too scary.." I looked up at my best friend. He chuckled and grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry Kels. You'll be fine. I'm right here with you. Nothing bad will happen. I promise."

Hearing those words come out of his mouth made me happy. He had always kept his promises so at that time, I knew he was gonna be there. Without thinking twice, I let go of Ro's hand and jumped. I squeezed my eyes shut, shivering as the cold air tickled my fragile body. Before I knew it, I was engulfed by warm water and I swam to the surface, my eyes meeting with Romans, who was plunging out from the water as well.

"See? Was that so bad?" He asked me and I glared at him.

"Yeah it was actually. Imagine having to jump off a 15 foot bridge into a body of water when you're scared of heigh-"

"Don't pull that height shit on me because we both know that if Devon was here, you would jump without the slightest hesitation."

I glared at him, "shut up. At least I have someone to impress." I crossed my arms over my chest, getting colder from staying in the water.

"Yeah, yeah. Now let's get you home before your mother kills me when she finds out you have hypothermia."

When we got to the surface, I looked at my phone. 8:53. Oh god. Devon's gonna kill me.

If you're wondering who Devon is, he's my boyfriend of 3 years, and lets just say that he's a little psycho. But I love him. He's my everything. My first kiss, my first love, my first official boyfriend, the first person to take my virginity. He's just perfect.

I grabbed my bag and my phone before rushing to Ro's car.

"Ro, do you have a sweatshirt that I can wear for the night? I must've left mine at my house when we left."

Roman nodded and handed me his black hoodie. I slipped it on and instantly felt the warmth take over my body. His familiar scent filled my nostrils and I smiled.

"Why are you so smiley?"

"You just smell really good. I can never get used to it, even after all these years."

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "better get used to it because I'm gonna be around a lot more often."

I smiled, "good. I can't imagine life without you." I looked up at him and he looked down at me before planting a kiss lightly on my forehead.

"I love you Munchkin."

"I love you too, PookieBear."

Minutes later, we arrived in front of my house, where I definitely did not want to be right now.

Trembling Nights (WWE FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora