Chapter 26

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Here's an update.

Happy New Years and I hope it's the best.


Unknowns POV


I watched, in sorrow and pain, through the window of the hospital room, as Kelsey planted a kiss tenderly on Deans forehead and whispered into his ear.

I cringed at the sight before me and promised myself, whether she likes it or not, she'll know I'm the one for her.


Kelsey's POV


As I laid my head on Deans chest, I smiled, thinking about what he told me moments ago. It made me feel happy yet nervous at the same time. Everything that he said really got to me, it made sense.

"Dean," I sat up and propped myself up on my elbow. Dean did the same so he was facing me, "what's up princess?"

"What if something bad happens?"

Dean gave me a skeptical look, "what would happen?"

I took a deep breath, "if I tell you something, you have to keep calm, okay?"

He nodded and I told him everything about how Roman and I are childhood best friends to when Devon raped me to how Roman and I saw him at the bar and he's now back to get me. While I was telling him the events that occurred, Dean had a mix of emotions written in his face. One second he looked worried, but it was quickly replaced by anger. His fists clenched and the veins in his neck popped out. After a while, he looked upset, almost like what I was telling him actually hurt him too.

I waited a few moments after finishing my story and Dean looked like he was about to explode. Before he could say anything, I placed my hand on his chest, "Dean, I'll be fine for now. As long as I have you, Roman, and Seth, I'll be okay. Just don't hurt anyone, please."

"Kelsey, I'm telling you this now, if I find out that he hurts you, so help me God, I will kill him. I will show him how it feels to be hurt by someone and that someone will be me. He has it coming to him, he's lucky I have to worry about that damn Viper, Randy Orton too."

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, placing his arms back where they were onto my waist. "I'm sorry Kelsey, I promise I won't leave your side without knowing you're safe."

And at that moment, I knew he meant it.


"Okay Miss Davis, you're free to go. Just make sure you take two of these whenever you feel dizziness or pain." Dr. Heinz handed me the bottle of prescribed pills, then looked over at the guys, "make sure she takes them. We don't need another injury, you know the consequences."

Seth slung his arm around my shoulder, while Roman and Dean dragged behind us, whispering to each other.

"So, how does it feel to be Divas champion? I figured I should ask since I haven't gotten the chance yet." I smiled at Seth and shrugged.

"It's pretty amazing. I mean, it was my dream to become the Divas champion. And ever since that's happened to me, I've never been happier."

"You're about to be ten times happier, you know why?"

I looked at Seth and raised my eyebrow. He just smirked, "you're going on a date."

Just then, Dean came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "surprise."

I couldn't hold my smile in and I looked to my left at Roman who just wiggled his eyebrows and winked.

"This was their idea, by the way, to bring me back to surprise you and do this whole date thing. But don't worry, I'll make sure this is the best date you've ever been on." He pecked my cheek and we walked to the car hand in hand.


This was a filler chapter. Next chapter will be their date!

Who do you think the unknown POV is?

What do you think will happen during the date?

Will it go well or turn out to be a disaster?


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