Chapter 29

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Ding, ding, ding.

"This is a mixed tag team match scheduled for one fall," The crowd roared in excitement, "making their way to the ring, the team of Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, AJ, and the WWE champion, Randy Orton!"

Randy held up his title, confidently as he lead his team to the ring. My eyes averted to AJ and I laughed. She was skipping next to Dolph, holding onto his arm. AJ continued to skip around and grabbed a microphone and twirled it around in her hands.

"Oh Kelseyyy, I know your listening."

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield.

AJ's face held a dirty glare as we walked through the crowd. Seth walked through first, with me close behind him, Dean was gripping my hand from behind me and Roman took the back.

"Making their way down the aisle, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns, The Shield, and the Divas Champion, Kelsey Davis!"

As we neared the barricade, I felt Deans hands around my waist, lifting me up and planting me onto the other side. I smiled at him and unhooked my belt, placing it on the steel steps in front of me.

"Hounds of Justice! Let's Go Kelsey!" chants were filling the arena, making me smile. I looked over at AJ, who was giving me the death stare. I simply smirked. Oh, she has no idea what she has coming to her.


Seth started the match, immediately going after Punk. Eventually, Dean got tagged in and attacked Randy. I wouldn't blame him though, he deserves it.

"Kelsey, watch out!"

Before I had the chance to look, my whole body flew to the ground and I bashed my head on the apron. Holding my nose, I glared at AJ. I charged at her and she ran. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, I yanked back, making her fall to the ground in pain. I got on top of her and started hitting her with my fists. Not long after, I felt my body getting ripped off of hers.

Turning around, I brought my hand up and it flew across Dolph's cheek. He held his cheek in disbelief and I went back to finish my attack on AJ.

Again, my body was being dragged off the bitch, making me angrier. But this time I looked at Seth.

"Seth? What the hell?!" I shoved him and he grabbed my wrists.

"Kels, focus on the match. You'll get your hands on her, don't worry."

He was right, I probably should focus on the match and winning. There was no way in hell that I was working for Orton.

I nodded and walked back to my corner, watching on as Dean got demolished by Punk.


After a long, painful 15 minutes, I knew it was my time soon. Dean got tagged in and Randy's eyes widened, as he quickly backed into his corner, tagging AJ.

I smirked, knowing I had no choice but to get into the ring. As Dean was walking towards me, AJ grabbed onto his wrist. Dean gave AJ a confused look and she just continued to smile up at him. She jumped up on him and wrapped her legs around his waist. I felt my heart beat ten times faster and my blood boil as I wasted no time in getting into the ring.

I watched as Dean pushed her off of him and wiped his mouth. Without any hesitation, I jumped on AJ and attacked her. The referee dragged me off her, warning me to back off before I got disqualified.

As we were arguing, AJ kicked me in the gut, making me fall to my knees. She took a fistful of my hair and forced me to look up at her, "Kelsey, you should know by now that your career is coming to a stop."

With that, she put me in the BlackWidow hold. I tried to fight it, but she definitely locked it in harder than I would've expected.

"This is it Kelsey," she grabbed my free wrist and tapped my hand on the mat, "say goodbye to the Hounds of Justice."

Ding, ding, ding.

"Here is your winner, the team of Randy Orton, CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, and AJ!"

AJ threw me down on the mat, jumping in victory. I shook my head in disbelief and tugged on my hair. She cheated her way to victory, yet again.

I got up and argued with the referee, "I didn't tap! She took my hand," I held up my hand to show him, "I never tapped out."

"I saw you hitting the mat Kelsey."

I felt someone steer me away from the referee and I sniffled into Romans chest.

"It's not fair, I didn't tap out." I cried into his chest and he stroked my hair, rubbing my back, "I don't wanna leave you guys."

"Shh, it'll be okay. I promise, we won't let him hurt you."

As I was starting to calm down, I heard his voice, making me even more frustrated.

"Kelsey, looks like you're all mine now." That's all he managed to get out before I punched him square in the face.


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