Chapter 30

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My eyes widened and I slowly backed up, realizing what I had just done. Randy clutched onto his jaw and turned to me, a smirk on his face.

"You're gonna regret that sweetheart." Before I had the chance to take off, someone's hands gripped my waist and another person leaped on Randy. My body was thrown over someone's shoulders and I saw Dean pouncing on Randy.

"Kelsey!" I turned around and saw the other two Shield members being single-handedly destroyed by CM Punk. I cringed and realized that Dolph was the one carrying me. I immediately started punching and clawing at his back.

"Listen Dolph, just let me down and we won't have any issues." Dolph just laughed and I saw his blonde hair shaking, signaling he was shaking his head. I groaned and had no choice but to watch from Dolph's shoulders as my boyfriend and his friends get punished by my 'new' mentors.

Being forced against my will, Dolph brought me into a locker room and set me down on a chair, closing the door behind him.

"Listen just hear me out, okay?" Dolph held out his arms so his hands were resting on my shoulders. I shrugged him off me, making him sigh. "Look Kelsey, I'm sorry, okay? I'm not asking you to accept my apology or beg for your friendship back, but just give me three minutes to explain myself, please." I looked at the him in the eyes, which were practically pleading for me to listen, and I sighed.

"Fine, you have three minutes and this better be good." I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for Dolph to talk.

He took a deep breath before starting, "when I told you about AJ that one night, I meant it. When I warned you about all of your matches, I meant it. I knew about AJ trying to distract you and sabotage your chances to become champion. I knew about her head games, I knew she was playing mind games and I tried to warn you, you just never gave me the chance. When I got asked to turn heel and help Orton technically win you, they offered me a #1 contenders match for the WWE World Heavyweight title as soon as Randy won it. I couldn't pass up on an offer like that, you'd do the same thing if you were in my shoes. Trust me Kelsey, I never wanted to do it, but I had too. It was what's best for me, and its a storyline, I would never say any of those words to you otherwise, ever. Kelsey, you're a great friend, and I understand you may hate me right now, but I guess I deserve it. I should've let you know about the plan before breaking you and basically ruin your life. After all, it is my fault that you're in this situation right now." He ran a hand through his bleach blonde hair and placed his right hand on top of mine, "Kelsey, I miss our crazy friendship, I miss you. I understand the pain you must be in, emotionally and physically, but you can always count on me for anything. Despite what you think, I would never intentionally try to hurt you." He looked straight into my eyes and I could tell that he was indeed telling the truth. I've known Dolph for a while now and he has never hurt me in any way, shape, or form.

"Dolph, you should've came to me before all of this. I understand why you would do what you did, but you hurt me. You were the only superstar, other than Roman, that I could trust. And you ruined that.." I looked down at our hands.

"There was another reason why I did what I did though." Dolph bit the inside of his cheek and I gave him a questioning look, raising an eyebrow, "I was jealous of Dean. I was jealous of how he was able to have you whenever he wanted too and I couldn't do anything but help you with your problems involving him because I care for you. A lot." As he was talking, I say there, jaw dropped and mouth gaping. Dolph Ziggler, the guy I went to for almost anything, my best friend on the roster (with the exception of Roman of course), was jealous of another guy. Another guy that happened to be my boyfriend. Suddenly, Dolph let out a laugh, "I know what you're thinking, but don't worry. I don't like you anymore than a friend. I got over it, however, I am dating someone that you might not be too fond about. I'm dating AJ."

I looked at the bleach blonde, blue-eyed man in front of me and I could not believe it. Dolph, the Intercontinental champion, possibly one of the sweetest guys I have ever met, was dating AJ, a psychopath, a Jersey girl. Oh and did I mention, the FORMER Divas champion.

"You have got to be kidding me." Dolph simply shook his head and expecting me to get mad, I laughed. I laughed louder than I should have, but I couldn't help it. "Dolph, I'm not going to yell at you, I can't tell you who to date, but why? Her out of all people, really Dolph? Really?" Oh god. I'm starting to sound like The Miz.

Dolph laughed along with me and shrugged, "hey, at least it's not Summer Rae or Alicia." I cringed at the thought of my 'best' friend dating either of them. "Plus AJ really isn't that bad of a person once you get to know her. She's just crazy in the ring," he placed his finger on his chin, "and the bed but that's another topic."

I covered my ears and pulled a disgusted face. "Dolph too much information. That's disgusting. I don't need to know about your sex life with my rival. Please, I don't tell you about me and Dean, do I?"

Dolph immediately had a comeback, "It's not like you have anything to tell me anyway, have you even done anything with him yet?" He smirked while I glared at him. Flipping him off, I got up and made my way to the door.

"Oh and Dolph?" I turned to face Dolph, "let Randal know that I'll be with my boyfriend and if he wants me, he can come find me." I winked, causing Dolph to laugh and I walked down the halls to get to The Shield locker room.


A/N: I will be updating either tomorrow or the next day. I have a few errors to fix, but I'll definitely be updating within 2 or 3 days. :)

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