Chapter 37

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I woke up to the sound of someone banging on the door.

"Open the door!" The voice was getting louder but I groaned and stuffed my face into the pillow instead.

"Dean, get the door." No response. "Dean?" I sat up and saw nothing but the messy bed sheet next to me. Where the hell did he go?

"Kelsey! I know you're in there, open the door." I rolled my eyes and trudged out of bed, grabbing a random button up shirt off the floor and putting it on. I threw my knotty hair into a bun and looked into the peephole; Roman was wearing his workout clothes and leaning against the wall.

"Roman, where's Dean?" I asked as I opened the door and let Roman in before closing it again.

"He didn't tell you he left?" I shook my head, "he's eating breakfast with Renee." And there's that name that I dreaded, again.

"Renee, again? Are you serious?"

Roman looked around the room and nodded, "I'm serious. What the hell happened here? Looks like you two got into a pretty intense fight."

I blushed remembering the night before, "something like that." I quickly changed the subject, "were you going to workout?"

"Yeah, I was gonna go to the gym for a little while. I got a match on Smackdown against Big Show I guess. Wanna go with me?"

I shook my head, "no, I'm just gonna hangout here for a little while. I'll probably go out for breakfast down at the cafe a few blocks away."

Roman nodded, "alright, whatever you want to do. If you need me, you know where to find me." He left me alone and I picked up my phone, deciding to send Dean a text.

To Ambrose.<3:
I'm going out, I'll be back soon. You know how to get ahold of me if you need anything. :)

I pulled on a clean pair of jeans and put on my sunglasses before making my way to the cafe.

I walked into the small cafe and went over to sit down when I spotted a familiar patch of blonde and black hair. His hair was pulled back and he was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"Seth? Since when did you start coming to cafes?" I must've shocked him because he jumped, making me laugh, "look, I understand we aren't on the perfect terms right now, but mind if I join you so I have some company during my meal?"

Seth sighed, "I'm sorry Kelsey. I didn't mean to do any harm to any of you, can I just please explain before you go and flip out again?" I nodded and slid into the seat across from him, I never did give him the chance to explain why he did what he did. "As you heard, The Shield, we were unstoppable. We knocked down everyone and anything that came in our way. Roman and Dean got most of the attention and as the architect of this amazing creation, I deserved to get some of the attention, or so I thought I did," I see where he's coming from, if I created something that big and powerful, I'd be pissed off I didn't get the attention and respect I deserved, "when Hunter and Stephanie offered up a chance of me joining the Authority, how could I not have accepted it? I would've had attention all the time, I would've been on the top all the time. Maybe not in the way I would like to be, but I'm still the center of attention. You have to understand why I did it."

"I understand Seth, I just hope you realize what you've gotten yourself into. Dean and Roman are not happy." I looked at Seth and took a piece of his toast.

He glared at me, "don't touch my food, I paid for it," he covered his food playfully and I rolled my eyes, "but trust me, I know they're mad. They have every right to be, but I did it for the right reasons. On a different subject though, would you like anything?"

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