Chapter 39

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"Princess, I'm glad you're here. Actually I wanted to-" before he could finish what he was saying, I interrupted him.

"Don't even start. We need to talk." Dean looked over at Roman, who shrugged. I could care less if he was listening or not. "What the fuck is going on between you and Renee?"

Dean laughed like a maniac and leaned against the wall, "Kelsey, baby, no need to be jealous."

I bit my lip in frustration, "Dean, I am far from jealous, okay? What the hell was that back there?" I pointed to the room where Renee had interviewed Dean, "you don't even care if I win or not. You're worried about you and your championship."

"You are blowing this way out of proportion. I said whatever happens, happens. You know what I meant, I'm just trying to have some fun and make sure I focus for my match instead of yours."

"Good to know that you don't only care about my match, but obviously you don't care about my feelings either if you're constantly flirting with Renee." I could tell that got him, "Dean, I'm done. Either you show me that you care, or you can continue your little fuck fest with Renee. And another thing, how about you focus on winning your matches before worrying about your title shot." I spat at him before turning around to leave.

"Go fuck Corey," I stopped moving and my body froze. How did he know? Who told him? I turned slightly, looking at Dean whose fists were balled up and Roman stood in between us, "yeah, I know about that. I overheard your little talk, how can you keep something like that from me? I knew something was up the minute you guys started talking when I left a couple months ago. You were probably fucking behind my back, weren't you?"

Roman stepped in and placed a hand on Dean's chest, "Dean, stop it."

Dean shook with anger, "Kelsey, fucking answer me." He punched the wall, causing me to jump from the loud noise. "Tell me, were you fucking or not? Who else have you been fucking?" I've never seen Dean this angry, and honestly, it wasn't only scaring me, but it was pissing me off.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't sneak around to hangout with Corey. I let you know when we contact each other. You on the other hand, you flirt with Renee right in front of me!" Now it was me who balled their fists together. I silently thanked Roman for being between us, otherwise I would've already been swinging at Dean. "You're an egotistical asshole. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You don't even care about your own girlfriend."

Dean scoffed, "you're right. Everyone has always left me, I've always been alone. I never was the guy who got attention or love or affection, I always got shit. Then it came to you and man, I first laid eyes on you and I wanted to fuck the shit outta you." Roman glared at Dean, but that didn't stop him from talking, "that's all I wanted. A quick fuck, but then you became more than that. You wanna know the truth about Renee? Well here it is. Renee and I used to date, we fucked, just like you and Corey so I guess we're both in the wrong aren't we?"

Tears welled up in my eyes and I shook my head, refusing to believe what he just said, "that's all I am to you? Just another one of the girls you fuck?"

"You were more than that, but now that you're with Corey, maybe that is what you are." That did it. I pushed Roman away and lunged at Dean. I gave him a punch to the right side of his jaw and then another one on the other side. He didn't even bother to stop me from hitting him so I straddled him and continued my attack, slapping and punching him. Roman just stood there, shaking his head at us. After a few more hits, Roman finally managed to tug me off of Dean and Dean sat up, chuckling to himself while holding his bloodied lip. "You finally hit me, surprising."

"Fuck you Dean, I hope Renee was worth it." I pulled myself out of Roman's grip and I ran out of the room, nobody bothered to follow me.


Seth's POV


Kelsey came running to me and she explained everything that happened between her and Dean. I knew it would happen at some point, but I didn't think it would be that bad. She was crying into my shoulder and I held her tightly, never wanting to let go.

"Sh, it's okay. I'm here, you're okay." I rubbed her back soothingly.

"I can't believe he said that," she tore away from me and looked down at her hands, making her hair fall down in front of her face, "I did everything for him. I was just another fuck." I cringed at the word usage, but it was true. That's all Dean wants, he can't hold a relationship because sex is everything to him.

"You're better than that, don't worry. It'll all work out in the end, if it was meant to be, you two will find a way back to each other. You just have to wait and accept that."

I would never hurt Kelsey and that's exactly what I want to show her, but I can't.


This is a short, but drama filled chapter. Next chapter is Payback and trust me, I believe you'll all enjoy it.

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