Chapter 6

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Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta. Shield.

The crowed cheered as I saw Roman, Dean, and Seth coming down the aisle. I smiled and looked over at the other guys in the ring and their jaws dropped.

Randy looked at me and moved towards me, but I backed up and slid out of the ring.
Dean was quickly on him, repeatedly punching the back of his head and kicking him. Seth was attacking Punk and Roman, of course, got the big guy.

Finally, Heyman and his guys retreated when Randy realized he was the only one in the ring. The Hounds were surrounding him, when Dean motioned me to get in the ring.

I got back in the ring and they forced Randy to look up at me. I smirked and slapped him before looking at Roman and giving him a small nod.

Roman screamed his usual scream and seconds later, Randy was on the ground and getting pushed out of the ring. Seth handed me a mic.

"And that is why you don't mess with me." I threw the mic at the asshole on the floor and followed The Shield towards the crowd.

"You need to watch it out there. You never know who might get into your business." Roman put his hand on my shoulder as we got to the locker rooms. I shrugged it off.

"I know what I'm doing. I don't need your help to do it." I said as I threw clothes from my bag, out on the floor.

"Whoa, why are you getting mad at us? We just saved your ass." Dean stepped in front of Roman and gave me a small glare.

"I'm more than capable of handling them by myself. Now everyone's gonna think that Kelsey Davis is protected by The Shield so I won't have any competition," I turned to face the them, "now if you'll excuse me, I need to get changed and head back to the hotel."

I started pushing them out when Dean snickered, "You don't even know which hotel we're staying at." I forgot we had switched hotels.

"Well I'll find some place to stay." I slammed the doors in their faces and rolled my eyes.

Just as I got done changing, I heard someone walk in. I turned around and Brie was walking towards me.

She greeted me with a hug, "Kelsey! How are you? I saw your match. Pretty impressive."

I smiled, "thank you, but that was nothing yet."

"Well it was something, so we're celebrating tonight."

I raised my eyebrow, "Brie.. What do you mean we're celebrating?"

She giggled, "I mean you, me and some of the Superstars and Divas are going to a club tonight to celebrate your debut."

"I don't have anything to wear.." I trailed off and Brie just shook her head.

"Good thing you're my size. Come on." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the locker room.

I walked with her to the catering area where I saw Seth, Dean, and Roman talking. Each of them looked at me and I looked away.

"Kelsey! Come on." I noticed that Brie and Nikki were both standing next to me and they led me out to their car to go get ready for this "celebration".


I looked in the mirror after an hour of Nikki doing my hair and Brie doing my makeup and I must say, I was impressed. I was wearing a black dress that zipped up in the back and it was laced on the bottom. The back was longer than the front and it hugged my body tightly, showing all my curves. My hair was put in a side fishtail braid and some of my bangs were left out. My eyes were an even lighter colored brown and they were lined in a thin black line and my lashes were curled perfectly. I was 3 inches taller thanks to my black, open-toed wedges.

"You look gorgeous! All the girls are gonna be jealous of you tonight."

"And all the guys are gonna be trying to sleep with you."

The twins gushed over me and I blushed.

"Thanks girls. But look at you two! You look beautiful!"

Brie was wearing a white strapless chiffon dress that goes to her mid thigh and her hair was curled in perfect spirals. She had a pair of white cork wedges on. Nikki was wearing a dress similar to her sisters, but hers was red and she was wearing black platform heels. Her hair was pin straight.

Each of them smiled and thanked me. We all walked out into the hotel lobby and were met by 5 guys, whose backs were turned to us.

I coughed slightly and the guys turned around and their jaws dropped.

Nikki walked over to John and gave him a peck on the lips before walking out with him to the limo. Brie did the same with Daniel and I was left with my trainers. Roman was the first to talk.

"Kels, you look amazing." I blushed and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Roman." I stood there awkwardly until Seth spoke up.

"Listen, I know you're mad about earlier, but can we just forget about that and have fun tonight?" He looked at me and I couldn't help but smile. I can't stay mad at him. I nodded. He gave me a hug and him and Roman walked towards the others to the limo.

I felt a pair of hands on my waist, "you look gorgeous. I can only imagine what you would look like without that dress on." Dean whispered in my ear, making me shiver. "I think you might have to stick with me tonight because I'm not sharing you." I felt my cheeks heat up and I took a step away from him.

I decided it was my turn to tease him. I out my hands on my shoulders, pushing myself up on my toes. I leaned towards his ear and whispered as seductively as I could, "Well then Deany, looks like you'll have to earn it won't you?"

I heard his breath hitch and I winked at him before I walked to the limo, giving my hips an extra sway.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while! Please don't hate me :(

My parents are splitting up and now my dad has to move out and we're tying to find a place to stay and we're leaving Friday afternoon to stay with my Uncle so it's kind of a short notice.

I'll update as soon as I can, but I can't promise a certain time.

What do you guys think so far?

What's gonna happen at the club?

Is Kelsey gonna be in danger or is she gonna stick with Dean like she said?

Guess you'll have to find out next chapter :)

Keep reading(:



And Follow!

-Ashlyn :)

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