Chapter 20

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"Kelsey, answer your damn phone so I can sleep." Roman growled and I turned slightly, checking my phone to see the time. Instead of seeing the time, I saw that Dean was calling. I instantly sat up and held the phone to my ear.


"Kelsey, why the hell were you with Randy last night?" Dean growled and I gulped. How did he know? Then, I looked over at Roman, who most likely told him. Figures.

"He just brought me back to the hotel. I couldn't find Roman or Seth, so I left with him."

"Do you have any idea what he could've done to you if Roman hadn't come at the right time?" I sighed and he let out a shaky breath, "I don't want you getting hurt. Especially when I'm not around because I feel like its my fault if I'm not the one protecting you."

I smiled and held the phone between my cheek and my shoulder while I climbed out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom. Putting the phone on speaker, I set it on the counter and answered Dean, "Dean, I'm fine with Seth and Roman."

"That's what I'm saying. I know they'll help you, but I don't trust Seth. Ever since our fight, he hasn't even tried contacting me and I don't want him to hurt you either."

"Have you tried calling him?" I asked as I splashed cold water on my face. He stayed silent and I rolled my eyes, "if you can't call then you guys are never gonna become friends again. One of you has to at least make an effort."

"I can't make an effort for my brother, my best friend, who tried to tell the girl that I like to get hurt. You know how fucked up that is?" I felt my heart beat faster when he mentioned me as the 'girl he liked'. It seems childish, but it gives me butterflies every single time.

"Dean, please try to talk to him. You guys are part of the most dominating groups in WWE history, ever. Do you really want to let one fight get in between your career and your friendship?" Dean sighed and I could picture him running a hand through his hair.

"Fine, I'll call him later, just please be careful when they're not around." I smiled.

"I promise. Now I'm gonna go to the breakfast buffet. Too bad you aren't with me." I teased and he groaned.

"I'll be back before you know it, just save me something. I heard hotel food is really good."

I chuckled and we said our goodbyes before I hung up. I walked out of the bathroom and Roman was starting to get up, Seth on the other hand was already up and stretching.

I smiled at him, "good morning Seth." He smiled back and waved, "morning. What time is it?"

I looked at my phone, "7:30." Seth groaned and leaned back onto his bed.

"What are you doing up?"

"Dean called me and I just figured since I'm up I might as well grab some breakfast. Wanna join?"

Seth nodded and trudged out of his bed, "let me get dressed into something decent." He looked down and he was only wearing his boxers and no shirt. I laughed and he locked himself in the bathroom.

I looked over at Roman who fell back asleep. His head was buried in the pillows and his whole body was spread out, over the blanket.

"Roman," I whispered and placed my hands on his shoulder, gently shaking him, "get up. We're gonna go eat breakfast." He didn't budge. I started to get annoyed and I suddenly got an idea.

"ROMAN GET YOUR ASS UP AND COME EAT FOOD WITH US!" I jumped on the bed and 'accidentally' stepped on his groin. He sat up in pain and cupped himself, groaning.

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