Chapter 16

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"Ms. Davis, you and Randy are on next."

I groaned and shoved my clothes into my bags. I heard the locker door open and I already knew who it was.

"Brie, I need to talk to you."

Brie looked concerned and she quickly made her way towards me, "better make it quick. I think you and Randy are on after this match."

I nodded and put my hands in my lap. "Brie, I really, really like Dean."

Brie giggled, "obviously."

I glared at her before continuing, "I'm serious though. We kissed before the incident with him and Seth.. And it was perfect. I wish I could have more kisses like that in the future but I don't see it happening."

I bit my lip and looked at Brie. She stared at the tv screen, watching as The Miz went on and on about his Hollywood life.

"I don't see the problem here Kelsey.."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Brie, Randy is the problem. Dean and I are never going to work out because I'm already 'dating' Randy."

"But Dean also said that Randy will regret touching you, right?"

I gave her a confused look, "yeah..?"

"So you just need Randy to be clingy. That way, when Dean returns, he'll make Randy regret even starting with you."

I looked at her, still confused, "Brie, I don't get what you're trying to say."

Brie sighed and placed her hand on top of mine. "Kelsey, have Randy be all sweet and cute to you onscreen. That way, Dean will watch it. Get what I'm saying now?" I nodded slowly. "So get him to be all touchy-feely with you and Dean will make a huge comeback that will make the crowd go wild. That's what the boss wants, right? A little love drama?" I nodded again, starting to get what she's saying. "So that's what he's gonna get. Once Randy and Dean have a feud going, you and Dean will be fine and live happily ever after."

I jumped up, finally getting her words through my head, "Brie! You're a genius! Oh my God! I love you so much! I'll see you later, I have to go." I hugged her tightly and she hugged back, laughing. I ran out of the locker room with a smile on my face and Randy looked at me with an eyebrow raised as I approached him.

"Why are you all happy?" I shrugged and waited for Randy's music to cue.

"The following match is a mixed tag team match and the winners will be the #1 contender of the championship of their choice." The crowd cheered and Randy's music cued.

I hear voices in my head, they council me, they understand, they talk to me...

Randy and I slowly walked down the ramp and since I had a few fans in the crowd, I slapped a few hands and Randy trailed behind me. We got into the ring and I hopped around, watching AJ skip down the ramp and around the ring with Dolph right by her side. Dolph sent me a small smile and I smirked back at him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around, meeting Randy's eyes. "You ready?" I nodded and took my place on the apron in the corner.

The match was going great and right now the crowd was chanting 'we want Kelsey'. Randy looked around the arena and his eyes fell on me. He stuck his hand out and I smiled at him, smacking his hand as the crowd went wild. Dolph smirked at me and AJ came to the center of the ring. She stuck her hand out and smiled at me. I gave her a confused look, but shook her hand. As I was about to pull away, she whipped me into the ropes and took me down. She skipped around the ring as I held my face. AJ grabbed a fistful of my hair and I screeched in pain. She threw my head down to the mat and repeatedly smashed my face onto the canvas.

"Come on Kelsey!" AJ picked my head up and I pushed her away. She stumbled away, giving me the chance to get up and clothesline her.

The crowd cheered and I took the opportunity to climb up the ring post. As I got to the top, I noticed AJ starting to get up. Before I knew it, AJ grabbed my head and my whole body flew to the floor. Shit, that hurt. I groaned in pain and AJ gave me a dirty glare before attempting to get me into the Black Widow. Before she could lock it in, I took her head and flipped her onto her back.

AJ and I were both on the ground and I could see as Randy held his hand out, begging for a tag. The crowds chants and clapping seemed to get me going, as I tagged in Randy and the crowd went wild.

Randy clotheslined Dolph and he quickly got up, only to get power slammed. Randy looked around the arena and slammed his fists to the ground, getting ready to RKO Dolph.

"I think Orton's ready to strike!" I could hear Michael Cole say. I looked over at AJ who climbed up onto the apron. Randy took this as a distraction and looked over at AJ.

I hopped off the apron and walked over to the brunette. I grabbed her ankle and pulled, making her head bounce off the apron. I jumped on top of her and started attacking her.

"1, 2, 3!"

The crowd cheered and I got off of AJ, finding Randy standing in the ring with his hands raised.

I smiled and got in the ring, jumping on Randy. He was shocked for a moment but quickly hugged me back. I jumped off him and Lilian announced us as the winners. I grabbed a mic from the side and handed it to Randy.

"As you all know, Kelsey and I," Randy grabbed my waist and pulled me in for effect, "are together. Not only are we a couple, but soon we will be a couple with gold around our waists." The crowd cheered and I nodded. Randy continued, "John Cena, I know you're in that locker room so listen real close. That championship that you have around your waist, don't get used to it being there. Come SummerSlam, you won't be the WWE champion anymore." I grabbed the mic from Randy and waited for the cheers to die down before I spoke, "and as for you AJ," I turned to AJ who was kneeling down next to Dolph, "that Divas championship reign that you have going on, isn't lasting much longer. Because I will be the next Divas champion!" I threw the mic down and Randy and I walked backstage, receiving a glare from AJ.

"What was that all about?" Randy asked once we were alone backstage.

I put my hands on my hips and turned to him, "what was what about?"

Randy glared at me, "you know exactly what I'm talking about. Why were you acting all sweet and innocent out there?"

I shrugged, "if you and I are together, I might as well play the part, right?"

Randy gave me a confused look and I smiled, "don't worry Randy," I got a bit closer to him and stood on my tiptoes, "once we get our championships, you and I," I leaned closer to his ear, whispering, "will be unstoppable."

I pulled back and looked at Randy's confused face before giving him a peck on the cheek and skipping to the locker rooms.


*Mystery POV*


Kelsey leaned closer to Randy and I couldn't hear what she was saying, but obviously it made Randy happy because he smirked and watched her as she skipped away. But not before she pecked his cheek.

I laughed as Randy touched his cheek where Kelsey kissed him. Randy, you should know better. Kelsey doesn't like you, she doesn't like anyone except for Dean. Hell, I don't even know if that's true. I can get her to like me though, I just need to get rid of a few people first.


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