Chapter 45

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Okay guys, this is the last chapter of TN but then there is an epilogue AND possibly a sequel coming soon. So hope you enjoy the last chapter :)


It was the day- well night actually- that I announced to Dean, to the locker room, the world, about the big news. After I told Roman, he was thrilled. He agreed to everything with the plan and promised me he would make things go smooth tonight.

"Hey Munchkin. How are you feeling?"

Roman slid into the seat next to me, a plate of food in his hands. I greeted him with a small, fake smile and laughed nervously.

"I'm nervous. Real nervous. Dean will kill me."

"Would you rather wait and not tell him? He'll be even worse if you don't say anything. I think he'll be thrilled actually, he loves you; you guys love each other. He'll support you through anything." He was right. I had no reason to be scared, Dean would support me through thick and thin. This is a moment that'll last a lifetime. There's no going back now, but it's worth it for Dean. "What's the plan for tonight anyway?" I watched the tv that played the match and currently, Dean and Kane were going at it.

"You'll have to find out now I guess. I'm up next. Bye Ro."

"Good luck out there, you'll do fine. I promise."

I just hoped he was right and this time, I believed him.


I walked out right as Dean pinned Kane for the victory. The crowd whistled and cheered as I walked around the ring, grabbed Dean's championship and slid in the ring, giving him what was his. He thanked me and grabbed it from my hands as the referee raised his arms in victory. He turned to me and raised his eyebrows, throwing his belt over his left shoulder. I licked my lips and brought the microphone up, taking a deep breath before speaking softly.

"There's something I need to tell you, Dean," Dean's face suddenly turned to one of concern and stepped towards me, but I backed up. "You know how I feel about you and you know how I feel about this company. But there's a few things that need to be done before I can go any further in my career." I took another deep breath and placed my hands around my back, undoing my championship from my waist and placed it on the ground beside me. "I can no longer be champion anymore," I never thought I would ever get booed that hard in my life. I'm not sure if they were booing at me or the fact that I was giving up my dream. Either way, I didn't like it and the tears in my eyes were enough to prove it. "Per the authority, next week there will be a series of diva matches that will determine the challengers to compete for the Divas championship." Again, the crowd went into fits of boos and the look on Dean's face was full of confusion and disappointment and I looked to the ground, not being able to look at him any longer. I took another deep breath before continuing. "There's a reason why I'm doing this though. I can't wrestle anymore because Dean," I looked into his eyes, "I'm pregnant."

Silence. Shock. Then, of course, cheers. Dean's eyes widened and for a second, I thought he was going to walk away, storm out of the arena and never come back, but I thought wrong when his title dropped on the floor next to mine and his arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me up and spinning me around. I laughed and hid my face into his shoulder, tears of joy flowing down my cheeks. He set me down and grabbed my shoulders, looking me dead set in the eyes.

"Are you being serious? You're pregnant?"

I nodded and brought the microphone to my lips. "You're going to be a father."

Dean grinned and hugged me again before planting a soft kiss on my lips. We pulled away and I took the chance to search around the arena. People were giving me-us- a standing ovation, clapping their hands in excitement and pure happiness. John, Michael and Jerry all came up to me and congratulated me, shaking my hands and giving me warm hugs. The celebration didn't end there because soon, the entire locker room came out and one by one, congratulated me. AJ, Nikki, Brie, Natayla, Dolph, and even Seth and Randy.

They looked at me and I saw Dean take a deep breath next to me. He squeezed my waist in reassurance and that's all it took for me to wrap my arms around Seth. As much as it probably killed them; Dean for letting me hug him after everything we've been through, and Seth for finally realizing that Dean and I love each other, but I couldn't be happier that things finally worked their way into my life.

"Thank you so much." Seth squeezed harder and for once, I didn't think of him anymore as a brother. "I hope you and Dean worked things out." Seth pulled away and nodded, looking at my boyfriend. He held his hand out and Dean took it, pulling him into a hug. Seth did the same to Roman and the three of them stood back and brought their fists to the center of them, like the old days. The crowd cheered at the memory and I smiled. I felt someone pat my shoulder and I turned my head to face Randy.

"You know, I never liked you, right? I never meant to hurt you or Dean or your relationship for that matter." I smiled and slowly nodded my head.

"I understand Randy. It was all business."

I was pulled into another bone-crushing hug by the three Shield members and laughed. Things were the way before and I loved every second of it. Roman has finally gained my trust back after all these years, Dean, Roman and Seth finally put aside their differences for my relationship and Dean and I were a family now; an actual family with our soon-to-be child.


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