Chapter 41

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Seth pulled me backstage and into his locker room. He locked the door behind him and turned to me.

"Before you freak out, we need to have a serious talk." He held his arms out, making sure I didn't do anything to him. "You know that new storyline you wanted to be in?" I nodded, "I talked to Hunter and thanks to me, you're now the cause of mine and Dean's upcoming feud. Dean is going to try to stop me from cashing in my contract," he held up his briefcase, "eventually, things will get heated and he'll end up giving up then you'll no longer be dragged into it. Don't ask questions, I'm sure Hunter will talk to you about it more in detail later."

"I needed to talk to you about something too, actually. You may want to sit down for this." Seth took a seat next to me and I placed my hands in my lap and took a deep breath. "I'm not sure if you realIzed it, but I've liked you for a while Seth. Ever since I first saw you, I knew there was something. When you hurt me, I lost all feelings for you and then Dean came along. I'm happy with Dean, things just aren't the same anymore. He thinks that I've been fucking around with Corey and that if I was, he had Renee anyway. It hurt, the man I cared about most, basically told me to fuck off and leave. The more you and I hung out, the more I started getting my feelings back. I forgot about my problems with Dean and honestly, I was rooting for you during your match."


Seth's POV


She liked me. She felt the same way. Forget everything else she was saying, she liked me. Kelsey Davis, also known as Dean Ambrose's girlfriend, likes me, Seth Rollins. I couldn't believe it.

"Seth, are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah, and now I need to be completely honest with you. That kiss, was not scripted," Kelsey's jaw dropped, but I could tell she was trying to hide the smile on her face, "I did that because I wanted to prove a point. Dean obviously still cares about you and he knows that if he loses you, he'll lose himself. He won't be able to concentrate, he'll go crazy. I know Dean the best out of everyone, once he goes crazy, you can't stop him."

Kelsey shook her head, "wait a minute, so you kissed me to fix mine and Dean's relationship?" I nodded. As much as it pained me to see them together, I still cared about Dean and Roman and seeing them and Kelsey torn apart would kill me. "Seth, how do you feel about me?"

I thought for a moment, her eyes scanning mine, searching for an answer, "I like you a lot, I watched your every move for a while. When you were in the hospital with Dean, I wished it was me that was holding you. But I know I'd never be able to have you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself; watching you and my old buddy go at each other's throats. Kelsey," I huffed and ran a hand through my messy hair, "I think we should just stay friends. Keep this storyline coming, but our feelings for each other need to stop and you need to talk to Dean about everything going on in your relationship."

Kelsey took a while to respond but when she did, she nodded her head a couple times, "okay, yeah. I'll talk to Dean." She went to get up but I grabbed her wrist. She looked at me, "I'm gonna talk to him now." She tugged her arm away but I didn't let go.

"Please don't be upset about this, we both know that this is for our own good, as well as for Dean's sake." She refused to look at me so I let her go. She walked out of the room and I didn't bother to stop her.


Roman's POV


Seth is asking for an ass-whooping if he even thought about laying a finger on Kelsey, knowing that she was Dean's. If you asked me my opinion on their relationship problems, I'd tell you that I wanted to beat the living hell out of Dean. Nobody is allowed to talk to my best friend like that and I was glad Kelsey fucked him up, or else I was gonna.

"You should be all set to go," the doctor gave me a pat on my knee and I thanked him before walking out of the trainers room. I heard commotion coming from the hallways and I immediately recognized the voice as Dean's. Papers were scattered everywhere in the halls, some superstars were knocked out and by the time I reached Dean, I widened my eyes. He was attacking Randy Orton and nobody bothered to stop him.

"Dean," I ran towards the brawl and forced Dean off of Randy. I looked in his eyes and I saw nothing but darkness and anger, "what the fuck is going on here?"

Randy sat on the ground, holding his jaw while Dean explained to me what happened. "I was looking for Seth when this fucker said something about him and Kelsey. I lost it and went crazy. I completely blacked out."

"Maybe if you treated her with respect then she wouldn't have another guy all over her." Dean managed to get out of my grip to hit Randy once more before a few other superstars helped me pull them apart.

"Both of you need to calm the hell down. This isn't about Dean and Kelsey, it's about what happened with Seth and Kelsey out there. You," I looked at Randy and glared at him, "stay away from Kelsey and go back to the locker rooms. And you," I looked at Dean in my grip, "calm the fuck down and go find Kelsey, I'll meet up with you later. Forget about Seth, we'll deal with him later." Dean hesitated a moment but I let him go to find his girlfriend. I glared at Randy and he snarled before he took off in the other direction.

"He's fucking crazy," Randy continued to hold his jaw as he stood up, "exactly why him and Kelsey are perfect for each other."

"Look," I stood in front of Randy, so our faces were inches apart from one another, "stay away from Dean, stay away from Kelsey, and stay out of their relationship." I poked his chest with my finger as I said that.

Randy laughed, "and what if I don't?"

I took a deep breath in, "I'll make sure you do."

After a few moments of silence, he finally walked past me, purposely ramming my shoulder with his. All of the other superstars dispersed and I decided to go find Kelsey and Dean.

Sure enough, I found the both of them in the hallway, right outside of The Shield locker room. Kelsey was leaning against the doorframe, clearly very annoyed with Dean. Dean was just being his usual self and doing his usual shoulder thing.

"Well, how's it going?" Dean glared at me and Kelsey rolled her eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes, you might find a brain back there." Of course Dean, always having to start with everyone.

"Shut the fuck up, don't talk to me," Kelsey looked at me, "will you open this door please?"

I sighed and opened the door. They both stormed in before me, not even bothering to let me in first. Well then.

"You know what I don't understand? You're pissed at me when I just witnessed you suck face with my ex-best friend!" Dean threw his hands up.

"It's not like I knew about it, it's a storyline."

"Storyline that I didn't know about? That's just fucking fantastic."

"Well maybe if you paid attention every now and then, you'd know about it. So quit being an asshole and leave me the hell alone."

"I'm done," I suddenly shouted, causing the two of them to look at me, "you two need to figure out your problems. Since the both of you are stubborn as hell, I will take action." I stepped outside and before either of them had the chance to figure out what I was doing, I locked the door up, trapping them inside. I leaned against the door, "now the two of you talk. I'll be back in a few minutes to check up on you. Have fun." I tucked the key into my pocket and smirked, I always win.


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