Chapter 9

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I opened my eyes and squinted. These lights were bright, holy shit.

I looked around and saw Dean talking on the phone before hanging up and rushing out of the room. What the..

"Kelsey Davis. How're you feeling?" A doctor asked me. He had a bald head and light grey eyes, that were covered with tiny glasses.

"I'm a little dizzy and my head hurts.." I admitted and the doctor simply nodded.

"You will experience slight headaches and migraines throughout the day, but you will need to take a couple pills everyday to help the pain. I gave them to your friend who was with you earlier. Take two of those every 4-6 hours and drink plenty of water. You're headaches will get better after a few days."

I nodded and sat up, feeling dizzy again.

"Just take it easy for a few minutes and you'll be able to leave as soon as we get all your paperwork for you."

He left me in the room alone and I sighed, rubbing my bandaged head.

Why would Dean just leave me when I woke up? Where was he going? I kept thinking of how he saved me earlier, but I couldn't process it. I can't imagine what would've happened if Dean didn't show up. I cringed at the thought.

"Kels. Are you okay? Does your head hurt? I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you.." Roman came to my side and engulfed me in a hug. I hugged him quickly, but then pulled back.

"I'm fine now, thanks to Dean. If he wasn't there, I don't even know what would've happened. Where is he anyway?" I asked, turning to Seth.

He shrugged, "He told us to come get you and to not ask any questions. He had business to take care of. We just did what we were told." Seth sat on the opposite side of me and squeezed my hand, "are you ready to go soon?"

I nodded and slowly sat up, "lets go as soon as possible. I hate hospitals."

Roman laughed and Seth gave me a small smile before helping me out of the bed. Roman picked my clothes off of the floor and handed them to me.

"Change quickly, we'll be waiting outside." I took the clothes from him and quickly changed. I set the hospital gown on the edge of the bed before leaving the room and meeting Seth and Roman at the front desk.

Roman noticed me first and the corner of his mouth turned upwards. He greeted me with a hug.

"Ready?" I nodded and followed them outside.

We drove in silence until I spoke up, "where are we going?"





That's when I heard Seth laugh, "Oh Kels, I think you already are crazy."

I gave him the finger before slouching back into the carseat and looking out the window.

It was approaching 4:00, hence why it was getting lighter outside. There were small raindrops dripping onto the window and I frowned slightly.

"Roman, Seth, is it gonna storm soon?"

They looked at each other before shrugging.

"I don't know Munchkin. Probably."

I swallowed hard and nodded, remembering they can't see me. I mentally slapped myself and continued to look out the window until we arrived at a nearby hotel.

The receptionist kindly greeted us and handed us our room key. "Enjoy your stay!" He winked at me and I quickly turned around, pushing Seth and Roman out of the way.

"Hurry up, I need sleep. My head hurts. I need to pee too." I complained as we got off the elevator, earning loud groans from both of the boys.

"Will you please, just shut up until we get into the room?" Seth shoved me out of the way and I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fine," I mumbled.

Seth unlocked the hotel door and I ran inside, claiming the bed closest to the bathroom.

I set my suitcase down and grabbed a pair of sweats and snatched Roman's hoodie that I loved oh-so much. Yes, I take his hoodies because I love his smell. There's nothing wrong with that.

I walked into the bathroom and gasped as I looked at my reflection. My hair was frizzy as hell and had white bandage stuck to it still. My eyes were darker, compared to my usual amber colored ones. My face looked a lot paler and my lips were almost a sick grey color.

I changed into my comfy clothes and splashed water onto my face. Feeling refreshed, I put my hair up in a loose bun and walked back into the room.

Seth was laying down on his bed, scrolling through his Timeline. Roman was on my bed, which I assumed he was sharing with me, and looked up from his phone.

I gave him a small smile and proceeded to grab my pills, when I realized I didn't have them.

"Shit," I muttered quietly, hoping Roman nor Seth would hear me. The last thing I needed was for them to worry.

"What happened?"

"What's wrong?"

Well, there goes that.

"I just remembered I have to call my mom back. I can do it when I wake up."

Roman nodded and Seth looked at me, unconvinced, but he looked away nonetheless.

I walked towards my bed and got under the covers, turning to face Roman. He did the same thing and smiled at me.

"PookieBear?" He laughed at his nickname,

"Yeah Munchkin?"

"I love you."

He gave me another smile and pulled me into his chest, "I love you too Kelsey."

I smiled and curled up into his chest, inhaling his scent.

Within minutes, I fell asleep.

The sound of a ringing phone woke me up. I groaned and lifted the blanket over my head.

"Seth, there's a thing called vibrate, or better yet, silent. So use it." I groggily said.

Roman laughed next to me and threw Seth's phone to him. Seth caught it swiftly and answered the phone, putting it on speaker and trudging out of his bed.

"Hello?" He asked in a huskily voice.

"Is this Colby Lopez?"

Seth gave me a suspicious look, "Yeah this is him. What's going on?"

"Mr. Lopez, your friend, Jonathan Good, has been arrested."


Dean, Dean, Dean. Shaking my muthafuckin head. What did he do?

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-Ashlyn :)

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