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Taylor Rae Ambrose was born on December 17, not long after her fathers birthday. Her eyes were already a bright blue color, just like her dads and her light brown colored hair was a combination of mine and Deans. She's crazy just like both of her parents, hopefully she'll calm down as she ages but we highly doubt that. Taylor and I live in a small home in Pensacola, but Dean, Roman and Seth visit every month to check up on me and the baby. I also have Roman's family, along with mine, to help out as well so I'm not always alone.

Nikki was now Divas champion and slowly worked her way up to the top of the division, hoping to take my spot. I give her credit, she's an amazing wrestler but no one notices it. AJ and CM Punk have both retired, agreeing to start their new lives as husband and wife outside of the ring. I was happy for them and I'm glad AJ found someone who truly cares about her. Daniel and Brie also got married and still wrestle, however with Bryan's neck injury, it's risky for him to still compete in matches; that  doesn't stop him though. Dean's championship reign didn't last very long, but he didn't complain because he had a child at home that he loved even more. Brock Lesnar was the new champion and Roman was just inches away from winning it, until Seth came along. The Shield still have a somewhat strong relationship, but Dean is still weary about Seth; you never know when The Authority will stab you in the back. Steph and Hunter had agreed that I can take off as much time as I needed too, but let them know possible future plans to return.

I looked to my right and saw Taylor laying down in her crib, her tiny thumb in her mouth as she slept peacefully. I smiled and walked towards the crib, placing my lips against her forehead.

"Mommy loves you, Taylor."

I shut the light off and closed the door so the it was still opened a little bit and headed towards my room.

My phone started to ring and I looked at the contact before answering, three familiar voices boomed through the speakers.

"Babe, how's Taylor doing?"

"How's the rest of the family?"

"How are you doing, Kelsey?"

I laughed, "thanks Seth, I'm great, how are you? Roman, the family is great. They're all stopping over tomorrow to visit Tay, and Dean she's amazing, but she misses her daddy."

They all laughed, but Dean sighed, "I'll be home soon baby."

I bit my lip, "I know, I just hate being away from you."

"I understand that, but isn't it late there? You should get to bed soon."

"Dean, I just put Taylor down. She'll be up soon anyway, I think I might just go watch some tv until then."

Just then, there was a knock on the door and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Someone's at the door, hang on." I walked out to the living room and opened the door slightly, looking to see who was knocking on my door this late at night.

"Hey baby," Dean's eyes sparkled and Roman and Seth stood behind him, waving. I hugged each of them and let them inside.

"You're back?"

"Stephanie told us that we needed a break from working so hard, so she gave us the next month off. Two for Dean so he can spend time with Taylor." Roman said to me as he placed his bags on my sofa.

I rolled my eyes, "Ro, you know where the guest room is so put your shit there, not on my sofa."

"Yeah man, come on. You've only been here like fifty times." Seth shook his head and followed Roman up the stairs. Finally, I turned to Dean and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I can't believe you're staying here for a while two months."

"I know, babe, I know. That just means more time with my two favorites girls."

I smiled at the mention of his two favorite girls.

"You don't think all of this is happening so fast, do you? I mean, we've been together for almost three years now and we already have a child but we're not married. You don't plan on leaving me, do you? I mean, we're only -"

I was cut off with his lips pressed against mine. The kiss tasted like cinnamon, the familiar taste filling me up with happiness. When he pulled away, his hands made their way to my cheeks.

"I love you. I will never get tired of saying that. I will remind you everyday how much I love you. Whether it's over a text, over satellite, in person, whatever; I'll find a way to remind you of my love for you and our child. Don't worry about marriage or any of that, just worry about us right now. Okay?" I nodded and he placed a kiss on my forehead. "I love you, Davis."

"I love you so much, Ambrose."

"Look at that, Dean is becoming a softie, is he?" Seth smirked and Roman leaned against the wall by the stairs, a satisfied look on his face.

"Shut up man," Dean wrapped me in his arms protectively, making me laugh.

This was life for me now and this is how I planned to spend it from now on.


That's it, that's the end of Trembling Nights.

I hope you all enjoyed reading it, I know I had fun writing it.

Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Anything at all that you need to say? If I get enough questions, I will make a Character Q&A, just comment a question for one of the characters (or myself) and I will happily answer in the next chapter.

There will be a sequel coming soon.

Thank you again, I love you all. ❤️❤️❤️

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