Chapter 32

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Dolph ended up with a broken nose and bruised jaw; Randy really messed him up. Note to self: don't fuck around with The Viper.

"Kelsey. Come on, we're up next." Randy hollered at me, making me roll my eyes. It's been one tough week with Randy and let me tell you, he's stubborn. Every time I saw Dean, Roman, or Seth, Randy would steer me the other way and avoid them. I would tell him that I needed to use the bathroom (obviously that's an excuse), but he'd always send Paul or himself with me. He's not as stupid as I thought he was.

I have no idea what the plan for tonight was, but Randy has been acting suspicious lately, so I guess I'll find out in a few minutes.

I met Randy at the gorilla and he smiled at me, "hey babe." He leaned in but I put my hand out.

"Don't call me babe. I'm still dating Dean, remember?" This made Randy laugh.

"Let's see how far that goes." I was confused at his words but before I could ask what he meant, his music hit.

I hear voices in my head, they council me. They understand, they talk to me.

The crowd booed as he stepped out on stage. However, they cheered when I showed up behind him. Acting like his puppet, I slowly walked behind Randy, lowering my head. I noticed that CM Punk was in the ring as well. Randy let me in the ring and ordered for me to get him a microphone. Having no choice, I was handed a microphone and handed it to Randy.

"Many people are asking us about the situation with The Shield. It's simple, The Shield means nothing to us." Randy looked at Punk, who nodded and brought the microphone to his lips.

"Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, The Shield. The Hounds of Justice. More like The Three Dirty Dogs." I cringed, I know how much they hate to be called 'dogs', "everybody's question is 'do you plan to use Kelsey as bait to get rid of The Shield?' Great question, however, we would never do anything to hurt Kelsey. Unlike some people." It was Randy who butt in next.

"Kelsey has been hurt so many times before, even her best friend, Roman Reigns hurt her." Randy looked at me, a huge smirk on his face, "I'm right Kelsey, aren't I?" My heart started beating faster, I knew where this was going. "I mean, you and Roman are childhood best friends, right? So what happened that one night, hm?" I swallowed the lump in my throat and clenched my fists together.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield.

The crowd went mental as The Shield stormed down the steps. Dean was first, fists and jaws clenched. He obviously wasn't happy. Seth followed him, no look of expression on his face, but he did have his fists clenched as well. Roman, however, looked different. He was moving faster than usual and his hair was covering his face. As they hopped the barrier, I got a clear view of his face. His jaw was tightened and his eyes narrowed towards Randy. They didn't waste any time in joining us in the ring.

"Listen, who the hell do you think you are? Keep Kelsey's name out of your mouth." Roman glared harshly at Randy. Dean took the microphone from Roman.

"In case you haven't remembered, Kelsey is mine, not yours. You might think she is, but she will never like anyone like you."

Randy laughed and smirked, placing a hand on my shoulder, "you're probably right. However, Dean, you and I have a lot more in common than you think. We're both crazy, we don't listen to others orders, and we both have never hurt Kelsey before," he let out a laugh, "but you need to remember something; there's always a plan B."

Dean looked conflicted by his words and just then, I heard a loud 'thwap' noise and turned around to see Seth standing above Roman, a chair in his right hand. Roman was laying flat on the ground. It took Dean a few seconds, looking from a laid out Roman and back to Seth, before charging at Seth. Seth pulled the chair back and hit Dean in the midsection. He bent over and Seth used the chair to hit Deans back. Dean landed in the middle of the ring and Seth attacked Roman once more before turning his attention to me. 'I'm sorry' he mouthed before curb stomping my boyfriend into the steel chair. I cringed from the impact. Seth then handed Randy the chair and I looked at him, a questioning look on my face. Before I realized what was happening, someone grabbed my arms and stomped on the back of my knees, making them buckle and I was forced into watching the scene in front of me. Randy walked over to Roman and tore his vest and shirt off him.

"Randy, don't do it." I warned Randy from the corner I was in and he just looked at me with a wicked grin, "Randy please." I felt sick for having to beg, but I refused to be forced into watching my best friend and boyfriend being destroyed by the most hated guys in this industry.

Randy tilted his head and licked his lips before DDTing Roman into the steel chair. Randy smirked and slithered his way to me. He grabbed my hair and leaned close to my ear, "your whole life is about to change babe." He let me go and I was thrown into the mat, leaving me to crawl over to Dean and Roman. Seth, CM Punk and Randy all looked down at me as I held onto the two remaining Shield members who were taken out. They walked off, leaving me alone. Medics came out and tended to them as I got up. I clenched my fists and stormed off backstage. It just dawned on me.

Seth had betrayed his brothers.



I cut him off by punching him in the jaw. He stumbled back and held his jaw, but his face kept calm. As if he was waiting for me to attack him again, he didn't flinch as I lunged towards him and pushed him into the wall.

"What the fuck is your issue? You were on Randy's side this whole fucking time and you never warned me about it? You know how hard it was having to watch my best friend AND my boyfriend getting beat down by their own 'brother'?! What the fuck were you thinking?" Seth just stood there in silence which pissed me off even more, "don't just stand there, fucking say something." I slapped him and that seemed to wake him up.

"Alright, listen. I understand it probably wasn't the smartest thing to leave you to watch them get beat down, but look at you! You're finally sticking up for yourself. I made my point."

"That doesn't explain why you did it. You guys were on the top of the world. Why the hell would you ruin that?"

"Because it wasn't about The Shield anymore. It was about me. I needed to do what was best for business."

I laughed, taking Seth by shock. "Best for business? More like best for you. You didn't care about Dean and Roman, you only cared about being at the top. You didn't want to share the spotlight with your Shield brothers so you betrayed them and sucked up to the authority. You got on your knees and begged them to make you the top star, didn't you Seth? You were being selfish and only thought of yourself. You could care less if Dean or Roman rotted in hell, you just hoped that you could get what you want. You're a suck up Seth. A pathetic, wannabe superstar that uses their brain and sweet talking to get what they want. You make me sick." Without another word, I pushed past Seth and ran to find Dean and Roman.


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