Chapter 8

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*Dean's POV*

I sat in the chair next to her hospital bed as she lay there, lifeless. Her body was dressed in a hospital gown and the bottom half of her golden hair was spread out on the bed, while the top half was wrapped in a white bandage. Her lips were light pink and pouty, like always. Her legs had scratches on it from the creepy guy at the bar and her arms were slightly bruised, but other than that, she looked like an angel, only a dead version..

"Mr. Jonathan Good?" The doctor came in and tilted his head towards the side.

I nodded and got up, "What's wrong with her Doc? Is she going to be okay?"

"She has a minor concussion and she should be waking up within the next few minutes," the doctor handed me a bottle, "have her take two every 4-6 hours to ease the pain."

I gave him a questioning look, "Will she be in pain often?"

He gave me a small nod, "She'll experience headaches every once in awhile and very minor migraines. Make sure she drinks a lot of water."

I nodded in understandment.

"Are there any other questions you would like to ask?"

I thought for a minute before nodding my head, "Yeah. What about her wrestling career? Will she be able to compete still?"

Kelsey would be devastated if she couldn't wrestle. She just started and she would be furious if she had to stop now.

"She will be able to wrestle, however, if she gets a head injury, she should get to a doctors as quickly as possible before it gets worse."

I sighed in relief and nodded, "thanks Doc. Can I stay with her until she wakes up?"

"Call me if you need anything," he said before walking out.

I sat next to Kelsey and took her hand in mine. I was about to speak, when I got a phone call. I grunted and took my phone out of my pocket.


"Dean! Where's Kelsey?! Is she alright?" I heard muffles on the other side of the phone before hearing another voice.

"What's going on?! What happened to my best friend?!"

"Guys, chill out. I'm at the hospital with her now. She should be waking up soon, so I gotta go. I'll talk to you guys later."

"Jon, I'm not kidding you bett-" I quickly hung up and set my phone on the side of the bed.

"Kelsey, I don't know what to say. But I can promise you, that the guy that did this to you is not getting away with it. I hate seeing you like this and if it gets me suspended, oh well. He can't do this and get away with it.. Don't worry Princess, you're safe now."

I looked over at her pale face and noticed that her eyes were starting to open. I felt her grip on me lighten as she moved her tiny fingers. I jumped out of my chair.

"Doctor! Nurse! Someone, she's up!" a nurse ran in the room and wrote something down on a clipboard.

At this point, Kelsey's eyes were open. they weren't her usual bright amber colored, they were duller and darker. Almost like she's hurt. Which I couldn't blame her.

My fists clenched and my blood boiled as I thought about the guy who hurt her. I wanted to get my hands on him, and that's exactly what I planned to do. I took out my phone and dialed a familiar number.

"Dean? What is it?" A deep voice asked.

"I need you and Seth to come pick Kelsey up from the hospital. I have some business to take care of. Don't ask questions, just hurry and do it." I hung up the phone and slid it into my pocket.

Before I knew it, I ran out of the hospital and headed towards the bar.


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