Chapter 24

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I got back into the ring and stared into the face of the man that I was slowly falling in love with. Dean Ambrose.

Dean walked down the ramp, for what seemed like ages, and finally climbed up the steps and walked into the ring.

Now face to face with him, I couldn't take it any longer. I threw my arms around his neck and his immediately wrapped around my waist.

"I've missed you so much." He whispered into my ear as he hugged me tightly, earning loud cheers throughout the arena.

"I missed you too." Right now, I just wanted to stay here. I didn't care about anything except for Dean and I. It seemed like it was only us two in this ring and everyone else around us was gone.

Eventually, Dean pulled back and I felt my stomach drop, feeling the emptiness of his arms around me and feeling his heartbeat through his chest. That feeling was soon replaced when I felt a pair of lips on mine. I immediately kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in closer.

I hear voices in my head..

Dean pulled away and pushed me towards Roman, who grabbed my shoulders and told me to stay behind them.

I watched as Randy, Punk, and Dolph stood on the stage, staring down The Shield members.

"Oh look, what a surprise. The Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose is back."

"Not only is he back Randal, but he's got your pretty little girlfriend wrapped around his finger as well." CM Punk smirked as the words left his mouth and I looked over at Dean. He had a glare on his face and his jaw was clenched, as well as his fists. He took a deep breath before bringing the mic up to his lips.

"Look Punk, I don't know what your problem is, but you better watch what you say before I come down there and rip your head off."

Punk didn't look threatened as he just stepped closer, with his little puppets following him, "Ambrose it's obvious why Randy's out here," he looked Randy's way and Randy was glaring at Dean, "I know you've been gone, but you need to accept the fact that Kelsey doesn't like you as much as she likes Randal. Am I right Kelsey?"

I sent daggers from across the arena to Punk and shook my head, "what do you want? It's obvious that you're out here for something. So get to the point already."

By this time, everyone was in the ring, standing face to face to one another, while I was behind Roman.

"Dolph, mind telling your little friend what we want?"

Dolph took the mic from Punk and I shook my head in disbelief, "Dolph? I thought you were my friend.."

"That's what you don't understand Kelsey," he cut me off, "I'm sick of you coming to me and crying about everything. I'm tired of just being that shoulder that you cry on when you're upset. Most of all, I'm sick of every little thing that you bitch at when you don't get your way."

His words hit me like a truck. Before I could say anything else, Dean jumped on top of Dolph. Roman and Seth were struggling to hold Dean back, but Randy and Punk took care of them easily. Randy slithered out of the ring and grabbed a chair. He brought it into the ring with him and sent a wink my way, making me cringe, before slamming the chair against Roman's back. Punk did the same thing with Seth and made sure that they were both barely moving.

"Come on, get him up." Randy demanded. He rolled Roman and Seth out of the ring, while the other two held Dean up so he was on his knees, looking up at me.

Randy slowly approached me, and by now, my eyes were tear-filled so I couldn't see clearly.

"Kelsey, are you okay?" He wiped a tear off my face with his thumb, but I backed away. "Listen, I'm not asking you to do anything difficult, alright? You see your precious little Dean Ambrose over there?"

Dean growled and struggled to get out Punks and Dolph's grip, but he was kicked back down to the ground.

"It's obvious what I want," Randy took his fingers and, ever so lightly, stroked the side of my face, making Dean go crazy in the corner. "I want you."

I looked over in Dean's direction and my heart almost broke at the sight of him. He was looking directly at me, his eyes pleading not to do what Randy's asking.

"No." I simply said, making the crowd cheer and Randy's face harden.

"I'm not asking you to do it, so you have no choice." He grabbed my wrist harshly, making me whimper in pain and I did the only thing I could. I took my free hand and slapped him across the face, making the sound of the slap boom throughout the arena.

"You little bi-"

Suddenly, my body fell down to the ground and I felt an ache on my head. I reached up and touched the back of my head, bringing it back, I found out that my fingers were bloody. The sight of my own blood made me feel queasy and I slowly started to lose vision.


The sound of Dean's precious voice made my heart ache as I slowly faded into a darkness.


This was kind of a shitty chapter..

I've had a rough few days and I was just so sad when I wrote this, so I'm sorry if its bad.

The next few chapters will be better.


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