Chapter 13

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I'm back! So that means updates more!

Enjoy! :)


Dean and I were seated in Vince's office and let me tell you, I was scared. He most likely found out about Dean and its not gonna be good for him.

"Miss Davis, Mr. Good. You're probably wondering why you're here, right?"

I looked over at Dean and back at my boss before nodding.

"I heard that a few nights ago, Jon, you got arrested for assault?"

Dean stiffened a bit in his seat and nodded slowly, "Yes sit, but I swear it was fo-" Vince lifted his hand up and faced his palm towards Dean.

"I don't need to hear it. You're suspended for a month and a half."

Dean sighed in frustration and I gave him a reassuring pat in the back. He returned the gesture with a small smile.

Vince turned to me, "As for you, Kelsey, we have a perfect storyline for you."

I gave him a questioning look, "What do you mean the 'perfect storyline?'" I said, doing air quotes for the words perfect storyline.

Just then, I heard someone come in. I met eyes with the one person I despised. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest, giving me a smirk.

"Kelsey, you will be 'dating' Randy Orton onscreen."

My jaw dropped and I jumped when I saw Dean slam his hands on the desk.

"No. No fucking way is this happening."

Vince sat up, but before he could say anything, Randy approached next to him and glared deeply at Dean.

"Listen, Jon, as far as I'm concerned, you're suspended. And Vince here," he pointed a finger at Vince, "is your boss, so you listen to him."

Dean got up and I quickly followed his actions, "stay out of this, Orton." I spat and Dean pushed me away gently.

"I swear to god, as soon as I get back, I'm beating your ass. You're gonna regret even looking at my Princess like that."

He stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him, leaving me with Vince and Randy.

Vince gave me a stern look and told me to sit back down, of course, I obliged. Randy took a seat next to me and I rolled my eyes.

"You know, if you roll your eyes that much, they might just roll right out of your head."

I rolled my eyes, again, earning a laugh from both Vince and the asshole to my right.

"So, Kelsey, next week on Raw, you will accompany Randy to his match against Rob Van Dam and you WILL act like a couple. Got it?"

I hesitated, but nodded.

"Also, after his win, you will announce that you two are a happy couple and you will be the power couple of the company," he laughed before speaking again, "well other than my daughter and Hunter of course."

Randy laughed along with him and I gave them a disgusted look, "So what you're doing is forcing me into being 'in love' with him," I pointed my finger towards Randy, "just to become the power couple of the company?"

Vince nodded and I scoffed, "That's pathetic."

Vince laughed and pointed towards the door, "get used to it sweetie. Now, I believe you have a match next, right?"

I glared and bumped into Randy before walking out the door.


"Here is your winner, Kelsey Davis!" The crowd cheered as the referee lifted my hands up in the air.

Alicia Fox rolled around in pain, gripping her sides and I rolled my eyes, rolling out of the ring and walking up the ramp.

As I walked backstage, I heard heavy footsteps behind me, before I could spin around, I was engulfed in a pair of arms. My body stiffened as the figure placed his lips to my neck. I turned around, only to be face to face with Dean.

I put my hand on my chest, "Dean, you scared me. I thought you were that bastard, Orton, for a second." Deans jaw clenched as I mentioned his name.

He grabbed my wrist tightly, making me gasp lightly, and led me down the hallway, "We are going to talk to Randy about this now. He's not laying a finger on you."

"Dean," he stopped walking and turned to face me, "you're hurting my hand." His eyes widened as he slowly released his tight grip from my wrist, watching as I rubbed the part that was hurting.

"Shit Kels," he ran a hand through his hair, looking at the ground, "I'm sorry."

I glared at him and brushed past him, walking to Mr. McMahon's office before knocking light on the door.

"Come in." A loud, stern voice said through the other side and I hesitantly looked at Dean, giving him a glare, before turning the knob and walking in.

Vince's chair rotated, making me face him.

"Kelsey, Dean. What a surprise seeing you here. What can I do for you?"

I put my hands on the desk, leaning forward. "Cut the crap Vince, you know exactly why we're here."

Vince gave me a strange look and opened his mouth to speak, but Dean cut him off, "I'm not wasting my time here, so let's get straight to the point," Dean looked over at me for a brief second, before turning back to Vince, "I don't want Orton anywhere near Kelsey."

Vince let out a shrill laugh, making me shiver, "Listen, I appreciate that you two came down here, but it's already sorted out. This is what the fans want; love drama. And now that Dean is out of the picture for a while, that's exactly what we're going to do."

Dean sent a death glare at Vince. If looks could kill, Vince would be dead.

"Fine, but just know that if I see Randy touch her in anyway other than a handshake," he let out a laugh, "you better warn Randy because he's the first person that I'm coming after."

With that, Dean left the room, leaving me with Vince. I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a frustrated sigh, slouching back in the chair.


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