Chapter 5

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"Kelsey, come on we have to get going. Vince wants us there in a couple hours." Seth jumped on my bed and I rolled over, burying my face in the pillow. I heard him sigh and just when I thought he left me alone, my blanket was ripped off my body.

"Seth!" I glared at him while attempting to cover my shivering body. "I'll get up, just give me my blanket back. I'm cold."

He shook his head and took my blanket and tossed it onto his bed, "No. You're already up so get in the shower and get dressed. We're leaving in an hour. If you aren't with us, you'll have to find a ride." He slapped my bare shoulder and I groaned.

Lazily standing up, I dragged my feet towards my suitcase and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans with a plain black T-shirt. I took a shower and put my hair up in a bun, before sliding my heels on. I didn't bother with makeup because I'll probably end up getting it done when I get there.

As I was zipping up my bag, the door opened. I smiled, "Roman. Hey, what are you doing?"

"Just checking to see if you were ready to go." He looked down at my suitcase, "which I assume you are."

I nodded and he helped me carry my bag outside, where Seth was patiently waiting for us. Dean was smoking, as usual.

"Look who finally decided to show up." Dean said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Maybe if some people didn't wait until the last minute to wake me up." I glared at Seth who gave me an innocent smile.

"I'm sorry! It's not my fault you're a heavy sleeper." He looked over at Roman, "have you ever tried waking her up?" Roman laughed and nodded. Then Seth looked back at me, "exactly. She's like sleeping beauty. Just not the beauty part."

I gasped and slapped Seth on the shoulder.

"Hey! I'm kidding. You're gorgeous and you know it." He pulled me into a hug and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Enough with the hugs, let's get going." Dean grunted as he threw his cigarette butt onto the ground and stomped on it.


"Kelsey, you're on in 20 minutes." The stage manager told me and my heart beat faster.

My first match was against Summer Rae and a lot of people told me not to be scared, but I was. It was my first match and I don't want to come off as a bad competitor.

As I was watching the match that was going on, which happened to be Bray Wyatt against John Cena, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I looked at the door and saw two females walk in. I easily recognized them as the Bella Twins.

"Kelsey, right?" One of the twins asked. I nodded and she smiled, "I'm Brie and this is my sister Nikki. You must be the new diva that everyone's talking about."

I gave her a questioning look, "they're talking about me?"

Nikki nodded, "I guess you look like a tough competitor so they're getting jealous because you get to be trained by the biggest group in this industry."

Brie agreed with her sister and stepped closer to me, "We just wanted to wish you luck on your match against Summer tonight. You'll do fine though, she's not much of a competition."

I laughed, "Well thank you. I guess I should probably be getting ready."

The twins gave me a good luck hug before leaving. I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror one last time. My ring gear was a simple mint green bandeau with a tight, short see-through crop top and a pair of black leather shorts. My golden brown hair was straightened down to the middle of my back.

Trembling Nights (WWE FanFic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu