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-Cuss words

(A/n As I mentioned in my previous chapter that I would be doing Bakugo's POV soon so that's the reason why you are seeing part 2)

-Katsuki POV-
*Alarm noises*(A/n I did a beep beep sound effect and erased it because it made me laugh😂)

"Shuttt up!!!" *smash* "*sigh*there goes another one".

"Its too motherfucking earlyyy!!" I screamed in the middle of my bed to not begin this wasteful day. "Oi stop the shouting!!".

" What the fuck" I stood up from the comfort of my bed to go downstairs seeing my mother present in my house "Old hag what the fuck you doing here!!!".

" Shut up brat I told you that I was visiting a week ago don't tell me you forgot".

"Of course I didn't forget!!" That's a lie I completely forgot that she was coming but can you blame me she's annoying when she's at my house so i forget things that my possibly ruin my mood.

"Yea sureeee... but anyways eat this and have a bath you stink". She replied with a disgusted face and gave me a plate with (your breakfast choice).

And I completely forgot about the alcohol smell I still had from yesterday's event.

-Previous day (couple hours ago)-

"Come on bakubro he hates me now" explains hair for brains as he downed his 5th drink.

He's currently avoiding kaminari because he came come smelling like another omega which kaminari misunderstood as cheating because of the pregnancy hormones which gives him a heightened sense of smell.

When omegas are carrying pups they can have a unique sense of smell and their tastebuds compel them to eat nasty stuff for instance strawberries and cheese but for kaminari his craving was peanut butter and mayonnaise on bread while drinking a mixture of fish, ham, and lettuce (A/N its a unique mix.. I know... But Idk what people normally eat when they are pregnant!).

And his hormones were all over this place one time he explained to me that they were watching Pokemon and Kaminari just randomly a started crying saying its his brother when it landed on Pikachu then he was angry when Kirishima corrected him saying its just a Television series. I honestly wanted to laugh out loud when he told me the story but I'm not gonna do it because it might happen to me one day.

"Shut up shitty hair he doesn't hate you" I tried to get rid of the sadness in my friends eyes which I will not agree out loud to saying he's my friend.

"Nooooo Bakubro he doesn't even let me touch him!!" He said while grabbing another drink which I stopped and put back on the counter of the bar that we would normally attend for our gatherings.

We would come to a bar that was in the middle of nowhere which you would always see pro heroes in because the bar is 1.Secretive 2. Faithful workers 3. Its in the middle of nowhere so it wouldn't be normally attacked by villains.

"Shitty hair just go home" I said as I grabbed him then dragged him to my car.

I can drive because I never drank any alcohol so the smell that is coming from me is the stench shitty hair rubbed off on me which I never even took a bath due to how late I dropped him off when pikachu was still up waiting for him and just dozed off in my bed as soon as I got home.


I finished getting ready for work and I ate the food the old hag left for me so its time to go to the hero agency.

As I was on the road driving I saw a car which dropped off kids which awfully looked familiar for me so I slowed down and got a glimpse of the children which were Katski and Izumi and Izuku was still in his car waving to the saying bye.

~So this is the school they are gonna attend~ I thought as I parked as Izuku drove off I was gonna stop him but he moved too swift so I called out to the kids.

"Hey brat!!" I called out to Izumi which saw me first so he quickly grabbed his sister and held her tight in his arms.

"What do you want old man?!!" he said as he glared at me which I sent another straight to his way.

"I'm still the same age as your mom!" A replied to with a tick mark in my forehead.

"You're still old and mommy is an angel" he replied with a scoff.

~Damn right your mom is an angel with his round emerald eyes that could bring the good out in everyone, his beautiful freckles that are scattered across his face like stars in the sky, his big plump lips that I would so wanna kiss again and his nice curvy hips that you can't help but stare at and his tiny waist with his fat ass that would jiggle in any movement he would make he's so se-~.

-And cut -

"What the fuc- fudge fudge *cough*" ~was I just daydreaming of Deku oh ple-~.

And I came from my train of thought to see that katski was giving me a note which she wrote before telling me to "C-can y-you give this to to red riot please" while giving me the most beautiful stare a child could give.

I melted due to how cute and fragile she looked that I just wanna squeeze her and kiss her face and tell her how sweet and cute she looked.

"Ok your so cute unlike the brat over there" I said as I took the note and looked over at Izumi.

"Tch come on katski we shouldn't bother the old man" he said as he had her bag in his hands and while her hands were in the other.

I just watched as they left completely ignoring the brat even though I wanted to lash out on him but got back my composure because of katski's gaze as she waved to me.

"Bye sir and remember to give the person my note!!" She said as she tried not to out my presence in the public .

"Cute kid and she's mine too" I muttered as they got a safe distance from me to enter the school.

So I got to my car and continued my journey to a boring day but remembered katski's gaze and the brats demeanor to give me a good rest of day.

~They are so much like the both of us Izuku~ I thought as I witnessed the behavior between the two moments ago.

-Time skip

I am currently in front of my hero agency remembering that pinky told me about someone she got for the electronics department saying they had a skill that they never really used but she got a glimpse of what they had while visiting another country for holiday.

So I drove to the parking lot a shut off my car carefully checking if I'm gonna leave anything.

(A/n Just imagine a casual outfit because I have nothing on my mind right now for his attire and he looks like a sexy daddy yk daddy daddy daddddyyy😙😏)

So I left the parking lot making my way to the elevator until I smelt a sweet scent much similar to Deku which consists of vanilla and cinnamon which was faint so I followed it and it led me to the elevator which was closed right as I was gonna enter preventing me from seeing the person inside.

"Was that deku" I mumbled as I tried to inhale the rest of the scent which coukd have you weak in the knees.

"No way and why would Deku be here" I grumbled and I waited for the elevator to come back down.

A couple minutes past before the elevator could reach me so I just burned time to look at the photo of which I had of Deku's contact name in my phone.

And smiled when I saw the picture which he has on his contact ID. There was Izuku and katski giving a cheeky grin while Izuku was just in the corner giving a face that speak 'the fuck you doing'. 
"Was I smiling" I said as u realised the expression that I haven't used in years.

"Hmmm" I hummed before and went up the elevator.

As I reached up I recognised a squeal all too familiar and quickly left the scene to not be the one witnessing the morning mina which is too bright.

~This is gonna be a long day~ I thought as continued the journey for this eventful day.

•To be Continued
•1471 words
• I am sorry if there are any misspelled words and the time skips but I hope you enjoyed another chapter of my story....💥💚

We Meet AgainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz