•O-ok Daddy•

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-3rd Person POV-

"Kac kach Kacchan! Wake up"

You could currently see and already dressed for work Izuku waking a heavy sleeper Katsuki.

~Who's that an angel~ katsuki thought in his unconsciousness.

"Come on Kacchan I'm gonna be late!!" Izuku said clearly irritated at this advanced hearing dominant alpha.

"Come on 5 more minutes" Katsuki voiced out groggily as he grabbed Izuku by the waist and made him lay down on his chest.

"Mommy did he wake up?"Katski asked as she emerged the stairs with her brother.

"N-no and h-he won't let me go!!" Izuku spoke as he struggled against Katsuki's grip.

"I bet he'll let go if I do this!!" Izumi spoke before he landed a slap to his fathers face.

"Oww what the hell brat!!" Katsuki all but screamed as he jumped up from the couch and held his face.

"At least you let mommy go" Izumi replied as he sticked out his tongue.

"I was comfortable.... fuuuuck" Katsuki said as he sat back down in the couch.

"Kacchan no cursing in my house!!" Izuku exclaimed for the curses Katsuki was using.

"Sorry....but can you get me some ice" Katsuki muttered at first then spoke loud enough for Izuku to hear.

"C-come o-on K-kacchan it w-wasn't that hard" Izuku said seemingly holding his laughter about how a small child can give so much impact that it would hurt Katsuki so much.

"Did you get the hit?!!" Katsuki Exclaimed as he was feeling pain on his face.

"No b-but come on show me" Izuku replied as he wanted to see how much damage his son inflicted.

"Oh my i-i'll get the ice...in the mean time you Izumi apologize" Izuku gasped as he saw the black and blue wound his son mysteriously created.

"Brat you really do pack a punch" Katsuki said as he looked at Izumi which was beside him.

"I-I'm sorry but um does it hurt that much" Izumi apologized as he looked at Katsuki with a sad expression.

"It kinda doesn't but why'd you hit me so hard" he asked after feeling the wrath of a preschoolers fist well his son had that fist, so he wants to know if this was pay back for something.

"N-no I just wanted you to let go of mommy and I'm sorry" he mumbled as he let a tear fall from his eyes.

"Its no problem you just didn't like how I held onto someone you love so dearly but I really thought I did something because you even managed to bruise my face" Katsuki said as he rubbed Izumi's back and held Katski in his lap.

"But I hurt your face I'm sorry" he said as he gripped on to Katsuki's arm.

"I said it was ok look for an apology gift I want you to call me Daddy" Katsuki gushed as he grabbed him and laid him on his lap.

~I see he has some characteristic of Izu afterall~ Katsuki thought as he noticed Izumi's behavior.

"O-ok Daddy" Izumi replied as he wiped his tears.

"And I'll call you daddy too!!" Katski chimed in as she tried to soothe her brothers crying after staying so silent for so long.

"I got the ice!!" Izuku exclaimed as he entered the moment which Katsuki and the children were having.

"What took you so long mommy" Katski asked as she left her fathers' lap.

"Oh I couldn't find the ointment" Izuku replied as he sat beside Katsuki to apply the cream on his face.

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