•That was a mistake•

139 9 2

•Slight cuss words

                                             -3rd Person POV-


"Oh kacchan please come inside" said Izuku as he welcomed Katsuki who was holding a sleeping Izumi.

"Where's his room" katsuki asked noticing Izumi stirring in his arms.

"Oh follow me!" Izuku said noticing as well.

After going up the stairs and walking past three doors they finally came to a halt in movement.

"Here just place him on the bed and turn off the lamp" Izuku said slightly above a whisper after opening the door so that Katsuki could enter and lay down the sleeping child.

Katsuki stepped inside the room and laid the sleeping child on his bed before placing a small kiss on his head and turning of the lamp.

He turned his head slightly to see that Izuku had a small smile on his face before replacing it with a stone faced expression.

After they had left the second floor and are in the living area they just sat in a complete silence until Izuku decided to speak up.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Yes, can I have water please" Katsuki said.

After Izuku had left for the bottled water Katsuki noticed a few picture on a bookshelf.

He stood up and took the framed picture down to examine it.

And he realized that it was a picture of Izuku and the children at an amusement park.

He slightly chuckled at the expressions they had before getting interrupted by a small voice.

"You know I was so scared to go there" Izuku said.

"So why'd you go?" Katsuki asked slightly confused on his decision of doing something which he was scared of doing.

"Because of the kids, I was scared to go because of the dangerous rides but the children made it so fun for me" Izuku stated while sitting down on the sofa and placing the bottled water on the center table.

"Its true when I had them today it was calming and surprisingly... Fun which I haven't had in a while" Katsuki said after having a seat beside Izuku and drinking the water.

"Well you shouldn't have taken them from school" Izuku said calmly.

"I informed their teacher of where I was and stated the relationship between us so it seemed safe to take them" Katsuki said not noticing the rage behind Izuku's calmness.

"Well you should of informed their mother first, Do you know how worried I was?!!" Izuku shouted while glaring at the opposite male.

"I tried to inform you but you just fucking ignored me the whole day!!" Katsuki shouted back not liking izuku's attitude.

"Don't you have a phone?? and don't curse inside my house or else I will throw you out!!" Izuku questioned while adding a warning of the rules inside his house.

"I have a phone but I never thought of that, I was enjoying the time with the kids our kids" katsuki said while releasing a sigh and calming down to not anger the greenette anymore.

Clearly not letting his ego take over this time.

" Well you should've at least done something for me to know that you're taking....our kids" Izuku said before using a word that Katsuki so badly wanted to hear out of Izuku's mouth.

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