•Gawk Gawk 3000•

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                                                         -Izuku's POV-

"So you gonna fucking help me or not" the most deep and sexiest voice I've ever heard ask me for help.

I gulped ~Oh my~

How did I end up in this situation

-About 30 minutes ago

I and Mina had reached to the head of the agencies office.  I'm gonna be working with she showed me around the workplace as if she could predict that I will get this job.

We were in the lobby and I saw a lady she is a fairly tall compared to me I look like a dwarf and I could sense dominant pheromones radiating off of her.She's an Alpha. She has long black hair that is tied into a spiky ponytail with a large strand hanging on the right side of her face and onyx eyes.

~Hmm her eyes resemble a cat~ I thought as I stared at her

But to my surprise it wasn't just a thought I was mumbling again.

"Well thank you I think" she said as she looked down at me once again I'm a dwarf compared to this lady.

"Oh I'm so sorry ummm I'm Izuku, Izuku Midoriya" I said as I went in for a handshake.

She accepted it while telling me her name.

"Ok Mr. Midoriya I'm Momo Yaoyorozu nice meeting you"

~she's so professional~ I thought as I tried not to mumble again.

"Well now that you've met each other why don't we meet the Pomeranian now!!" Mina said bringing us from our simple conversation.

~Pomeranian who's that??~

By now both I and mina are in front of this so called 'Pomeranians' office.

And she knocked on a really large office door.

~Does the door really need to be this large~

And Mina just slightly parted the door and scent which I remembered from the parking lot hit me.

I kinda flinched from slightly remembering the scent from someone but I can't seem to remember who.

And then the Mina called out to the person by using a name which I wanted to laugh at but stayed professional.

"Bakubabe missed me" she said as she started to get close to the person.

He just replied with while grunting which seemed so sexy to me a light tint of pink appeared on my face.

"Stop fucking calling me that, I thought we talked about this".

~Feisty much he just reminds me of..........Kacchan~

"Talked about what" Mina just replied sheepishly then carefully stepping away a little bit noticing an outburst which was about to happen from the certain 'Pomeranian'.

And she turned around bringing me closer and slowly while walking towards his desk again.

I just carefully allowed her to bring me closer to his desk while looking down and indulging in to the sweet scent I remember as Kacchan's scent but there no way he's here (A/N hmmm are you sureeee😏).

While approaching I smelled the same scent which I loved but it turned.....lewd.....why??

I was kind of uncomfortable with the scent because it seemed to make me want to submit which I can't think of right now...be professional Izuku.

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