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Curse Words ° 3rd person POV

"Aren't you guys exaggerating a bit?" Izuku asked as he was walking through his home.

He hasn't been out of the hospital for months.

It was torture for the omega so every single day he complained but his alpha was very adamant and its not like he was uncomfortable.

He received 3 meals a day and the were delicious.
His alpha and two children was giving him attention every split second and the babies in his belly were growing steady and happily.

After the encouraging words of course he couldn't leave those specifically said by katsuki.

And those words were "You're gonna stay here until you get back all your strength and these babies are doing ok as well my sweet".

Aww so sweet except that's not what he said.

"You're staying here and no fucking arguments" and another string of curse words were muttered as he massaged his pregnant omegas feet.

Katsuki somehow wanted to protect him after seeing how kirishima became when denki gave birth.

The laughter he let out when he saw Kirishima crying was top tier but that will be him soon that's what sharky teeth implied.

But him? No katsuki would never there's a vow to that...

"You know kacchan you never had to take another vacation because of me you know" The green eyed omega said as he waddled over to the couch in his home.

He's somehow growing three watermelons right now and still able to walk.

"Yeah yeah" The alpha said as he trailed behind him with the kids in his arms.

All the bags were already carried in by their fellow friend Mina. It was a lot of trips but she got help from a dark haired individual.

"Ha so tired" Mina sighed out as she sat on the couch.

Sero is still moving a few stuff though.

"You guys are so awesome" The omega said as he relaxed comfortably.

He loves the pampering although it makes him feel like  baggage a few encouraging words from his other persona said its the bare minimum.

He's with child he needs this.

"Now go fetch me a snack" he said as soon as katsuki put down the children to snuggle with him.

"What about me?" A blond asked.

"What about you? Fetch the snack" Izumi said as he shooed him away.

"This brat you come along" The larger alpha said as he grabbed Izumi to go with him.

"Hey Mina that's the last of them why don't we go back to Denki's" Sero asked as he stretched his arms upwards.

"When are you guys gonna have pups of your own hm" Izuku asked as he smoothed katski's hair which was ruffled.

"Not anytime soon" They both responded simultaneously.

We Meet AgainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora