•Let's tell the kids!!!•

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3rd Person POV

"So kacchan when are we gonna tell the kids?" Izuku asked after his kisses and hugs given by his kacchan.

"Lets go tell them now, because I want you all to move in with me quickly" Katsuki had jumped up in realization and took Izuku in a bridal position before he started talking as he headed towards the katski and izumi's direction along with their grandparents.

If you're wondering if while Katsuki and Izuku were having their moment in the bedroom the people downstairs heard, that's out of the question because Izuku room is soundproof as well as scentproof because he was planning to lock himself in his room when his heat came and leave his kids with their Grandma, Mama Inko.

But Katsuki came and his heat was spent with him so it's no harm done.

"But how are we gonna tell them?" Izuku asked as he laid his head on the alphas shoulders while his feet were dangling in the air.

"Were just gonna say we're gonna live together...simple as that" Katsuki said calmly even though his heart was thundering in his chest as Izuku felt it.

The omega giggled softly as he saw how Katsuki's body betrayed his words.

"Why are you giggling" Katsuki asked as he narrowed his eyes at him.

"Nothing" The omega said as he turned his head deeper in to the alphas shoulder.

They both had entered back the living room again to see that the kids were squished in between all might and inko and all were watching a movie.

"Mommy" Katski squealed once she smelled her mom and her dad since she was more closer to them.

"Hi katski" Izuku said as he grabbed his daughter and started kissing her cheeks.
as Katsuki made him sit down on one of the arm chairs.

"Hey Izu are you ok" His mom asked as she noticed how Izuku's eyes were puffy as if he was crying.

"Yes mom" The omega responded as he looked at his mother and gave her a smile.

~This kinda feels like deja vu but meh~ Izuku thought as he noticed how everything was happening again from before.

"Actually me and Kacchan have something to ask you two" The greenette stated as he remembered what he and Katsuki left his room for.

He looked over to Izumi who was interrogating his father about how his eyes were puffy and he shakes his head from side to side.

"Hey Kacchan and Izumi come over here" He called to the two dominant alphas.

They both looked at each other and rolled their eyes before walking over to the omega.

"So I and Kacchan have something to tell you both" The omega explained as he made Izumi and Katski sit on his lap.

"What is it mom?" "Yeah what is it?" They both asked.

"Well Kacchan and I decided that we should move in with him" Izuku said as he looked at both of their expressions turn from a questioning look to one of excitement.

"Oh wow really, we'll be able to live with daddy?" Katsuki asked as she jumped up and down on her mom's thigh.

"Yes it's true" Katsuki said as he grabbed his daughter raised her in the air and spun her a few times before making her settle on his shoulders.

Izuku looked at this and sighed ~She's always in the air~

"So Izumi what about you, aren't you happy to be able to move in with Kacchan?" Izuku asked as he squished Izumi's freckled cheeks.

"Yes I'm happy, but I'm gonna worry about you" Izumi said as he held his mothers shirt and fumbled with the fabric.

"Why?" The said omega asked as he looked at Izumi.

"It's because you won't be walking a lot when you live with him...because every time you go away with him you come back in his arms" Izumi whispered in the omegas ear as he leaned on his shoulder.

The greenette blushed at this before looking over to Katsuki to see that he was holding in a laugh, but as soon as he realized that Izuku was looking at him he just gave him a smug look.

He blushed even further before looking back to the child in his arms.

"Hey Izumi, you don't have to worry about that anytime soon ok, because Kacchan won't be doing anything" He whispered back to the child while releasing pheromones.

Katsuki heard this and after about 5 seconds realization hit him and why Izuku had said that, he went and sat down in one of the chairs looking dejected after he removed Katski from his shoulder.

"Ok mommy!" He heard Izumi yell after he heard the words from his mom.

"See all happy" Izuku yelled as he glanced at Katsuki and held in a giggle.

"Right Kacchan all happy" The omega said as he looked at the blond.

"Yeah happy" The blond responded as he gave a smile, even though he was hurting inside, but as he remembered that all of them were going live together again he started to jump around again.

~He's so moody sometimes~ Izuku though as he watched how the dominant alpha became all cheery.

"I wasn't expecting him to be so...happy after what I did" Someone said as he sipped the coffee he had.

"Of course, he's gonna be happy its darling Katsuki he's with" The company he had with him said with dreamy eyes after they mentioned the dominant alpha.

"Yeah, but remember we don't want him to be happy with him" Person one said.

"Of course" Person two exclaimed.

"So what was the plan you had for the 2 of them, I'm listening" Person one said as they placed their hands on the table infront of them.


" Minaa!!" A certain omega screamed happily as soon as he saw his pink hair red friend.

"Hi kami!!, wait why are your eyes so puffy" She exclaimed as well before realizing how the pregnant omegas eyes were red and noticeably puffy.

"Wait, I kinda know the answer, were you watching Pokemon again?" The red head among them said as he joined the conversation.

"How'd you know?" Kaminari asked with sparkly eyes.

"I'm your alpha, afterall" Kirishima said before attempting to kiss Kaminari, before getting stopped by a certain beta.

"Ah Ah Ah, you two say your goodbyes now" Mina said as she shop Kirishima's hand and dragged a confused omega out of their house.

"Eh mina what just happened?" Kaminari finally asked as he was getting buckled up in the passenger side of Mina's car by the beta herself.

"Nothing just that Izu got some dick and me and kiri made a bet" Mina bluntly said as she went to the drivers side.

"Oh wow, I have to ask him about it later" The omega said as he went along with whatever Mina was doing.

He's sure that he's gonna get good prizes for whatever bet they made.

Mina's gonna give him the food which Kirishima bans him from, some clothes for the babies and even a spa day while after he goes back to Kirishima the alpha is gonna dote on him and not wanna leave him alone, so more kisses and cuddles.

~Haa I love my life~ Kaminari thought before he saw a bright headlight coming towards him and Mina shouting in the distance.

To be Continued
•1233 words
•Sorry for late chapter
• Bye Bye little fwuckers😏
• I'm sorry for any misspelled words
• I hope you enjoyed another chapter of my story....💥💚
• Please read more of my story 🙏

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