I could hold you forever

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October 9th, 1980

"I could hold you forever" I whispered to my newborn baby girl as she slept in my arms with her tiny hand wrapped around my finger. "You know I'm leaving for tour in the morning so it'll just be you and your mummy for a while but I'll be home before you realize I'm gone" I whispered and she started to get fussy.

"I know, I know sweetheart. I wish I could take you and your mummy with me. But the mean, scary Mr. Prenter said no" I said to her as I tried to calm her down. "But it's ok, I don't want him near my precious baby girl, or my beautiful wife."

After a while of talking to her she finally calmed down. "I remember when I found out that I was going to be a daddy. I was stressed out, and practice was bad that day, but all that changed when I got home and your mummy said she had a surprise for me. She ended up putting it in a box and she had me open it and there it was, there it was. A positive pregnancy test. Of course it took me by surprise, but it was the best surprise because it gave me you."

I looked down at her and she was fast asleep again. I smiled at her and brought her back to her crib. "Goodnight sweetheart. I love you" I whispered before turning away to leave the room.

I went back into y/n and I's room and I got back into bed. Y/n rolled over and cuddled up next to me. "Where'd you go?" She whispered. "I was talking to y/d/n" I whispered back and kissed her cheek. "Why?" She mumbled. "Because she's three weeks old and I'm leaving for a seven month tour in the morning, when I get back she'll be seven months old."

"Mmm, ok" the mumbled and fell back to sleep.

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