Age is just a number (part 5)

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July 15th, 1974

Three weeks later....

"Well this is the address, you ready?" Brian asked me as we sat in his car in front of the place where Roger supposedly is. "N-no I'm not but it has to be done." I got out of the car and walked up to the door. I was terrified to say the least. I raised my fist to knock on the door when I heard a voice, it sounded like a females.

Curious, I peeked in the window and seen this blonde haired female in one of Rogers shirts, the shirt I woke up wearing the morning after all this mess happened. I felt sick, I wanted to go home and scream and cry.

I started to cry and ran back to the car. "Take me home" I sobbed, getting in the car and slamming the door.

"What happened?" Brian asked, his voice soothing me a little. "I don't wanna talk about it, just take me home" I cried into my hands.


When we got home I immediately got out and went inside.  "How'd it go?" John asked and I ignored him. "Darling? are you alright?" my brother asked and I ignored him too. "I'm raising this baby on my own, he doesn't need to know. I don't want him to know, do you three understand me? Even after the baby is born and hiatus is over do not tell him about the baby." I pointed at them and they all nodded


I decided it ends here the rest you have to make up the rest.....Jk I am making part 6 and I might be making this into it's own book.

Roger Taylor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now