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(Y/H/P)= Your honeymoon place

May 21st, 1980

I was standing in front of the big picture window that overlooked all of (Y/H/P) from our hotel room when I felt masculine arms wrap around my waist and someone rest their head on my shoulder; it was Roger. "Good morning Mrs. Taylor" he murmured, kissing my cheek. I smiled "Good morning Mr. Taylor" I murmured back. He picked me up bridal style and carried me over to the bed. He place me on the bed and laid back down, looking at me. "What?" I asked laughing a little.

"Come here, love" he said. I made my way over to him and climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. Roger smiled and continued to stare  at me, "seriously what?" I giggled

"Just admiring my beautiful new wife" he said and kissed my hands. "She's so gorgeous, see look at her" he points at a mirror on the other side of the room. I turned around and smiled at myself in the mirror "what happens when she's not new anymore? Will you still look at her like that?" I asked. "Of course I will"

He rolled us over  so he was on top and kissed me softly. "Wanna know why?" He asked, mumbling against my lips. "Why?" I responded "because I love her so much, and she'll always be gorgeous to me" he said and kissed me again.

"Even when we're old and gray?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Yes, even then" he replied and kissed me.

Roger Taylor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now