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February 8th, 1978

I was woken up by the cries of Roger and I's daughter (Y/D/N). Roger and I had been taking turns throughout the night getting up with her and now it was his turn. I looked over at Roger who was passed out asleep on his stomach. "Roger" I whispered, shaking his shoulder "Roger" I repeated, shaking his shoulder harder now. "Mr. Taylor" I whisper yelled to him. "Roger Taylor" I half yelled, hitting him in the head with a pillow "Jesus love, what?" He grumbled, rolling over to look at me.

"She's crying again, it's your turn to get her" I said as I closed my eyes. I heard him grumble again then the bed shifted meaning he got up.

Roger's Pov

I got out of bed and went to my daughters nursery. I walk into the room and took her out of her crib "Hi my precious girl" I cooed, holding her as she cried. "Don't cry, it's ok daddy's here" I whispered to her as I rubbed her back, gently. I started softly humming to her and swaying back and forth until her cries turned into soft whimpers. I kissed her forehead and carried her back to (Y/N) and I's room.

I carefully got on the bed and laid down, careful not to drop (Y/D/N). Once I was comfortable I laid her on my chest and she looked up at me "you have the prettiest eyes, you know that?" I whispered to her as she continued to watch me. "Yes you do, they're just like mine." "And you have my nose" I poked her nose and she smiled "you have your mummy's smile" I cooed "you're such a pretty girl" I started to lightly rub her back and her eyes started to get heavy "go to sleep princess" I whispered as she fell asleep.

Once she was finally back to sleep I kissed her little hand and leaned over to kiss (Y/N)'s shoulder before  falling asleep myself.

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