Dating him would include.....

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. Rough sex

.  Lots of PDA

.  Going on tour with him

.  Listening to him argue with Brian

.  Teaching you how to play drums

.  Lots of parties

.  Lots of drinking

.  Rogerina

.  Spending hours at the studio with them

.  Having quickies in the bathroom of the studio

.  Going to the bar after a show

. Lots of teasing in public

.  Heated make out sessions

.  Cuddles

.  Lots of smoking

. Morning sex

. Pre show sex

. Post show sex

. Girls are constantly all over him

. Late night sex

. Jealous sex

. Make up sex

. Basically sex anywhere anytime

. It's rare but sometimes he can be gentle in bed

. He's such a gentleman

. He loves your body

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