The cupboard

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September 17th, 1975

I was sitting on the floor playing with my 4 year old daughter Victoria and my two year old son Thomas when the phone rang. I figured what this would be about because I had been getting them a lot lately. I stood up and picked up Tommy before going to answer the phone. I sat my son on the counter and answered the phone.


"Hi (Y/N) he's doing it again"

It was John this time.

"Hi John, where is he this time?" I asked as shouting suddenly started happening in the background "he's in the cupboard darling, come get him out and bring my babies too I miss them" I heard Fred shout from somewhere in the background.

"Okay, we'll be there soon"


I hung up and look at Thomas. "Daddy's throwing a tantrum again so I have to go calm him down and you and Victoria get to see your uncles again, how's that sound?" I asked and he nodded happily. "Okay let's get ready" I picked him up off the counter and went into the living room. "Victoria, sweetie get ready. We're going to see daddy" I said and she stood up. "Okay mummy" she replied, going to get her shoes.


When we got there everyone was standing in the kitchen. I walked in with a kid in each arm and everyone looked at me. "He's in there" Brian said pointing towards the cupboard I handed Thomas to Brian and Victoria to Fred. "Wish me luck" I whispered to them and they nodded.  I went to the cupboard and knocked "Roger, honey it's me come out" I said.

"No" he grumbled. I sighed and looked behind me at the four of them. "Please?" I asked and he grumbled again "No" he repeated. "Fine can I come in then?" I asked and it opened slightly for me to crawl in. Roger sat in there with his knees in his chin, he looked up at me "now I know where our daughter gets her hiding in the cupboard when she's mad thing from" I said, laughing a little. He glared at me and I immediately stopped. "Sorry, why are you in here?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"They won't put my bloody song on the B side of Bohemian Rhapsody" I poked my head out of cupboard and looked at Fred who was already shaking his head. I made eye contact with him and he shook his head at me. "No, no it's not going on the B side I don't care, I'm not allowing it" he mouthed to me "why not?" I asked, mouthing back.

"Why not? You've heard the bloody thing. That's not a song" I shrugged and looked back at Roger who noticed what I was doing. "I'm not coming out until my song is on the other side" he shouted. "I give up, I can't " Fred groaned, giving the kids to Brian and Deaky before putting his hands up and walking away, Paul following behind him.

"You know what else would make me feel better?" He asked, biting his lip. "What's that?" I replied and he grinned "a kiss from my gorgeous girl" he nudged himself forward and kissed me softly. He put his hand on the back of my neck to deepen the kiss and I hummed happily in response.

"No shagging in there" Brian said "your children are out here, don't forget that." "And us" John added.

"Shut up Bri" Roger shouted, going back to kissing me.

I heard Brian scoff and whisper something to John. "You two are like horny teenagers, you know that?" Brian asked before walking away with John and our kids.

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