Your baby's first word

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Let's be real, your baby's first word was fuck.

June 19th, 1977

Roger's Pov

I was alone with y/d/n for the day while y/n was at work. Of course that caused problems at the studio and I could've taken her with me, but I didn't want to so I was practicing at home while y/d/n played with her toys. I was getting into a zone and things were going well, until I messed up. "Fuck" I grumbled to myself and threw my sticks on the floor. "Fuk" y/d/n grunted and threw one of her toys on the floor. Copying my actions. My head shot up and I stared at her. "What d'you say?" I asked.


"That's what I thought you said. That was your first word wasn't it?" I asked and she stared at me. I sighed "I forgot, you're an infant. Come here, love" I said as I walked over to her and picked her up.

"We can't tell mummy about your new word, okay?"

Y/d/n looked at me. "If mummy finds out, then daddy gets in trouble and daddy doesn't want that, okay sweetheart?" I asked. She nodded her head and I smiled.


It was a few days after the incident and she hadn't said it again which was a great thing. Y/n and I used that word around her at least a thousand times a day so it wasn't really a surprise she said it.

"So y/d/n said her first word the other day" I said as the boys and I sat around the recording booth, taking a break that afternoon."Aww that's great, what'd she say?" Deaky asked. "Well....she said fuck..." I replied. Paul snickered and I glared at him.

"Where d'you think she heard it from?" Brian asked and I shrugged. "Y/n/n and I use that word all the time at home so it could've been either of us. It could've been one of you" I replied and Paul scoffed.
"Of course, blame your girlfriend..." he commented and I glared at him. "First of all she's my wife, not my girlfriend, and second I don't recall asking you" I snapped and he rolled his eyes. "Another word out of you and you're going out the window" I threatened and he snickered again.

"You think it's funny?!" I asked, standing up. "Roger, that's enough" Brian said, stopping me. I flipped Paul off and sat back down.

Time skip

"ROGER TAYLOR!!!!!" Y/n yelled as soon as I got home. Bloody hell y/d/n said her new word. I quickly took my shoes off and ran into the kitchen where y/n was holding y/d/n.

"Tell me something....while our daughter was eating earlier her spoon fell on the floor and she said" she leaned forward to whisper in my ear.


My eyes went wide.

"Do you know where she might have learned it from?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Not sure.."

"Don't play dumb Taylor, I know it was you. It was either you or Freddie..."

I sighed, I couldn't lie to my wife.

"Okay yes it was me. She was watching me play drums the other day and I got frustrated so it slipped out..." I confessed.

"I knew it" she replied.

"She still could've leaned it from Freddie though, she could've learned from any of us. We're not exactly careful about what we say around her and I guess we should be. She ten months old now" I said as I tickled y/d/n's foot, making her giggle.

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