Teenage pregnancy

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November 2nd, 1966

"You're what?!" My father yelled. "I-I'm pregnant" I repeated. "It's that drummer Roger's isn't it?" My father sneered. I nodded "I told you not to see that boy didn't I? DIDNT I?" He yelled grabbing my arm. "You did, but I love him and he loves me" I replied.

"Well if you love him so much, why don't join him" my father said, opening the door and throwing me out onto the cement.

I laid on the cement, my knees and palms scraped. I got up and turned around to see Roger, my boyfriend, behind me. "What happened? What did he do to you?" He asked and I just broke down. "He threw me out, physically threw me" I cried as he held me. "Shhh it's okay love, you're okay" Roger cooed, rubbing my back. "Get in the car, I'm going to go beat the shit out of him" Roger grumbled walking towards the door. "Roger no, don't worry about it. Let's just go" I said, tugging on his arm.

Roger turned around and his face softened "you're right, let's go" he said, putting his arm around me and walking us to his car.

Part 2?

Roger Taylor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now