Christmas surprise

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It was Roger and I's first Christmas together as a married couple and I was honestly excited because a few weeks ago I found out I was pregnant. My plan to tell Roger was to put some baby shoes in a box along with the pregnant test and wrap them up for him to open on Christmas morning.

December 25th 1979

"Oh Rog, these are beautiful" I said as I took the diamond earrings Roger got me out of the box and put them up to my ears. Roger smiled "I'm glad you like them love" we kissed and I suddenly remembered Rogers gift. "I have something else for you!" I said as I put the earrings in the box and set it on the floor. I got up and walked over to the tree, grabbing Rogers gift before going back to the sofa to sit next to my husband. The box had blue wrapping paper and was topped with a red bow.

Roger smiled at the box. "What'd you get me baby?" He asked and I smiled. "Open it and you'll see" I replied as he tore off the wrapping paper. He took the lid off the box and looked inside at the shoes and positive pregnancy test. "Baby shoes and a pregnancy test, Honey are you pregnant?" He asked, looking over at me with a grin.

"Yes Rog, I'm pregnant" I replied and he kissed me, resting his hand on my stomach. "I love you so much" he mumbled, moving his hand off my stomach to cup my cheek in the palm of his hand.

"I love you so much too"

Time skip

December 25th, 1980

It was Christmas again and Roger and I were sitting on our couch, opening gifts as I held our three month old daughter Lillian while the soft hum of a Frank Sinatra Christmas album hummed in the background. "You remember where we were a year ago at this time?" I whispered as he sat down next to me. He smiled "of course I do. I was about to find out I was going to become the father of this beauty" He gently stroked Lillians cheek with the side of his finger causing her to make a small noise.

"I can't believe it's her first Christmas" I whispered. "I just can't believe she's here" Roger whispered back as he took Lillian from me. "I have another gift for you" roger carefully leaned over the side of the sofa to grab the gift while being careful not to drop Lilian.

Roger sat up and handed me the gift. I smiled and opened it revealing a picture frame with a picture of Roger and I with Lilian a few hours after she was born. "Roger I love it" I said as I set it on the end table next to me.

"Merry Christmas my love" Roger said as we kissed.

"Merry Christmas Rog."

Roger Taylor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now