Wedding Ceremony in Jeju

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Kim jong kook POV
It has been three hours since he arrived to jeju.He came here to attend a wedding ceremony, actually,his dongsaung's wedding.His dongsaung,Yang se chan and his girlfriend,Jeong so min are getting marry.Now,he is staring at bride and groom.It is not like he is not happy for them.He is very happy for the fact  that finally the two can become a family.But he can see, how much they are happy,their eyes and smiles told everything.He also has an engagement party with eun hye last month but he feels nothing,not a bit , happiness.He respects Eun hye as a woman and he also feels that Eun hye will be a good wife for him but he didn't have any feeling for her.He miss her,his first love Ji hyo.Where are you,Ji hyo ya?
Song Ji hyo POV
"Ji Yoon yah,where are you".Today is her day off,it is not like she always get holiday because the project her team made is very well and so their boss let them take a day off and now she is playing with her daughter and Hao hide and seek."you two are good at hide,huh,but I'm a good seeker too"." now she is seeking them under the table and  she find them."ok,Hao ya,Ji Yoon yah, what you two want to eat"they have been playing for almost two hours."ice-cream, mommy,I want to eat chocolate ice-cream"Ji Yoon answers,"ok,what about you,Hao ya","me too,imo,I also want to eat chocolate ice-cream"before she went to buy ice- cream hao'omma came to her house." Oh!Hao'omma,do you here to pick up Hao","ne,his father wants him to visit at his  work,he told me there is a wedding ceremony in hotel,and you know how much Hao like the preparation of the wedding,right?"yes she notices it too,Hao like to paint and he like various preparation designs and to her surprise ,her daughter is also like that too and so as soon as she heard Hao vists his father work,Kang Gary is the manager of the hotel, she wanna come too."omma I also want to go with imo","no,Ji Yoon yah, don't you want to stay with omma and let hao oppa stay there with his omma and appa","it's ok,Ji Yoon's omma, actually,I also want to ask for your permission,I also want Ji Yoon too,she also like these preparation designs"although the two are just kids they two really love designs."so, please take care of her, hao'omma,and thank you very much for loving my daughter","it's alright,she is just like,my daughter","Ji Yoon yah,be careful, don't too noisy and don't eat too much ice-cream,love you ,my baby,Hao too",she hug the two kids,"omma, don't worry,I will behave, promise,love you too mommy",she kiss her mother cheek,"oh my baby". Unknown to her  she let her daughter to meet her father for the first time.

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