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Kim Jong kook POV
Jong kook is currently reading the documents he need to read. He is still in Jeju for some projects and he also has his own reason.All his friends and their families fly back to Korea two days ago.He has been busying with his work so he can't pay a visit to Gary and he hadn't asked  him about Ji hyo,actually he hadn't ready for it.He is afraid and feels scary.What if she didn't want to see him again.Well,he knows her well and he also knows the thing he did to her.He hurt her,he admits it,but he also has a reason.He want to explain her but he didn't know ,will she forgive him or not.Suddenly his phone ring.
"Hi,hyung,how has you been"Gary asked him as soon as he answers the phone
"I'm fine Gary yah,What about you?Why do you call me?"
"Oh hyung,I was wondering if you have time,can you baby-sit Ji Yoon for a while."Gary requested.
"Wae Gary yah,Do you have a problem?you know,I want to baby-sit Ji Yoon badly since she called me appa."Jong kook replied while thinking about their last meeting.
"That's right,hyung.We all suprised.Ah for your question hyung,our family need to go to my wife's mom because of her health condition.Ji Yoon 's omma is still in the meeting room so we need you to baby-sit Ji Yoon,hyung"Gary explained
"Then,it's ok Gary yah,but does Ji Yoon's omma know about it or about me."Jong kook ask uncertainly.he and ji Yoon's omma are still strangers.How can a stranger trust to him for babysitting her daughter.
"It's okay,hyung,I already asked her and could you come to our
place,hyung?I think,it's better ,if you baby-sit Ji Yoon at our place instead of your hotel room.And we want you to guard our place too,haha"Gary joked him
"Well Gary yah,sounds good,don't worry my dongsaung"Jong kook replied.Gary's idea is really great cause he will baby-sit Ji Yoon and ji Yoon's house is not far from Gary's house and so he can send Ji Yoon immediately if she wants to go home.
"Ok then,hyung, bye"then Gary hang up the phone.Jong kook prepares to go to Gary 's house.
"Oh hyung,you are here"Gary greets him as soon as he enters his house.He saw Ji Yoon who is now looking at him.He smiled at her.
"Yeah,don't worry.I will take care of your house and ji Yoon"Jong kook said with a smile and Gary nodded his head.
"Ji Yoon yah,your omma pick you up at 3 pm and you need to stay with your Jong kook samchon until your mom pick you up."hao's omma said to the girl and the girl smile at her sweetly.
"Ne, imo"then she hug her imo and samchon and Hao too.Then they said goodbye and leave their house.Now ,it's only Jong kook and ji Yoon in the room.Jong kook look at the girl who try to colour her sketch-book again.
"What are you doing,agei yah"Jong kook asked her sweetly.
"Colouring,do you want too samchon?"Ji Yoon asked
"It's ok Ji Yoon yah.Are you hungry,Ji Yoon yah?Tell me if you want something"Jong kook look at the girl lovingly.Oh,he want a daughter like Ji Yoon.
"No,I want to play hide and seek.Will you play with me?"Ji Yoon asked and she is happy when Jong kook agreed.They feel very happy.They enjioy their moments together.Jong kook made launch for Ji Yoon and Gary was right!he and ji Yoon are very similar.
"Samchon,I want ice-cream"Ji Yoon asked him cutely.It is already 2:50 pm.
"Ok princess,let's go"Jong kook pick her up and went to ice-cream shop.
"What favor do you want,princess"
"Chocolate,I want chocolate ice-cream"Ji Yoon answer excitingly.
"Oh your daughter is really cute"the woman said to Jong kook and Jong kook feel proud.And he look at Ji Yoon and let out a chuckle.
He is walking with Ji Yoon while holding her hands.Suddenly,Ji Yoon run to somewhere.He shouted her name with a worry.
"JI YOON YAH"then he saw that Ji Yoon is now in a woman's embrace and jong kook run to them.They are busy by looking at Ji Yoon so they don't have time to look at each other
"omma,meet with Gary's samchon friend"then they look at each other.Their eyes meet for the second time in jeju.
"Omma,meet with Jong kook samchon and samchom,meet with our omma,Song Ji hyo"
Did he just heard omma.
Ji hyo is the mother of Ji Yoon.His heart stops.

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