Yoon Eun hye

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Yoon Eun Hye POV (flashback)
A six years old girl running through in the large house. She rushed to the room which was very large and beautiful . The little girl opened the bedroom door slowly and peeked into the room. She saw nothing and then she quickly entered the room trying to put the thing she brought into the room. Before she can put thing, someone yelled at her.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING." The little girl jumped from her spot and looked at the person who was telling at her with fearful eyes.

"I....I....ju...s.t" she tried to answer but she feel so scared so she kept stammer.

"DID CAT CUT YOUR TONGUE! YOU LITTLE BRAT" the person kept yelling at her . And her eyes started watering.

"I... just... wa..nt to ...gi..ve y...ou.. yo...ur fa..vo...rite f..lo..w..er" the little girl finally said and the other person who was yellinga at her seem more annoy now.

"Oh ...Eun hye yah...."she started with a sweet voice, "HOW MANY TIME I NEED TO TELL YOU NOT TO COME TO MY ROOM AND NOW GET OUT FROM MY ROOM. I DON'T WANT YOUR CHEAP FLOWER" Suu yelled at Eun Hye and Eun Hye run out from the room while crying.

A eleven years old eun hye was studying her lessons. She was learning Japanese until someone stopped her with her harsh words.

"Do you think you can be the heiress of the company?" Suu is now standing behind Eun hye.

"He just only want you to keep his image. He is just using you. You know why? Cause I am his biological daughter while you are nothing . May be the rumors are true that you are his secret daughter but that means that your mother is just a mistress. Oh,the next thing you need to know , my mom is the real owner of this company while your mom is just a cheap and shameless woman. Don't except too much from your so called father cause he just want you to keep his image and when the time comes, I am the only his heiress. " With that Suu smike and left the room. Eun hye was trying so hard not to cry and not to broke down. She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve with this harsh words. She will show her. Wait for my reveag , Suu. I will show you that I am the only heiress.

An eighteen years old eun hye stood infront of her very angry father. She felt really scared and she knew the reason why her father was just like this.


"If you don't want to be send to your poor mom then you need to behave , Eun hye yah. Remember that, you may be the heiress in the media but you are just a picture for my company. Don't rude to Suu. And I keep my eyes on you if you do something wrong then Suu is ready to tell me and even to punish you . " With that her father left her .

"Remember your place, Eun hye yah."Suu said with a smirk.

I will make you suffer Suu. I make you suffer just like hell.I swear. I will kill you but before you need to suffer like help

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