Unexcepted Encounter-2

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Kim Jong Kook POV
"I don't have a father" ,this is the last sentence Ji Yoon say before her samchon came,to his suprised her samchon is Kang Gary,one of haha best friends,well when he heard his name by Ji Yoon,he thought about another Kang Gary,but he was wrong.Now they are going to Kang Gary's house.Se chan and so min flied to Hawaii as soon as the wedding is over.Actually,he has  strange feeling about Ji Yoon ,the way she looks at him,is describing something and he doesn't know what that something.When she says she doesn't have a father,she is looking at his eyes directly and her words made him mad,fear, surprise and sad,he can't find a reason why he feels like that,may be because he is pity to girl then why he had to be mad,he can't understand.She is just 4 or 5 years old but she acts and think like an adult.Now he is thinking about fate,Kang Gary is one of his dongsengs in his school days.They met because of haha,at that time,haha and Gary are same class and they become friends and then Gary joined their group.But after they got graduate they lost contact.It is really amazing to see him again,at first ,he thought,Ji Yoon and Gary are blood-related,but after Gary explains Ji Yoon is his neighbor's daughter and she is a single mother and so his wife always babysits Ji Yoon whenever her mother has a work.He also added that how Ji Yoon is clever and cute,"may be she is four years old but she is more mature than her age".Her mother is very lucky for having a daughter like Ji Yoon and maybe her father too.
Song Ji hyo POV
"Ji Yoon yah,come and eat your breakfast,honey",her daughter acts strange since she came back from that wedding ceremony,she doesn't know why and as much as she heard from hao's omma ,except she is missing infront of washroom for 10 minutes, nothing happen and she also said that the people who are keeping Ji yoo is very good friends of hao'appa so she thought everything is right,but her daughter's strange act make her worry.Ji yoon didn't speak with her very much since she arrived and she always keep looking at her diary,she didn't know what's on that diary cause Ji Yoon doesn't like the other watch her diary."omma,when will you be at home","maybe 4,why Ji Yoon yah","Ani,there are guests in Gary samchon's home,today", "oh! don't you want to go to samchon's house"this is really strange cause Ji Yoon is such an extrovert person and she never complains about guests or any stranger."Ani ,I am just asking you","ok,then finish your breakfast and omma will take you to samchon's house"Ji Yoon nod.Something isn't right with his daughter.
Kim Jong kook POV
He reached Kang Gary's apartment and he went to elevator but before he press the button,he saw a woman,a very friendly woman,his first love,Song Ji hyo.He immediately get out from the elevator and followed her,where is she ,where ,how much he miss her,his queen,his steps stop infront of a woman,with a suprised face,the woman also look at him and there are many emotions in woman face."Ji hyo yah,Song Ji hyo"he said to the woman,"Kim Jong Kook" and she replied.

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