The Fight

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Song Ji hyo POV
It has been two weeks since that accidents.She try her best not to break down infront of her daughter.The past is still hurting her, and she can't forget what happened six years ago.Will Kim Jong kook take her daughter away from her? Will he accept her as his daughter? No,he will accept her as his baby definitely.Now, the only question is will he take Ji Yoon away from her?

Kim Jong kook POV
He still remember the day he try to hurt Ji hyo.He love his sister very much.He never except to hear her death new on her birthday.He can't stand about his sister death,so he decided to take a revenge to that man who responsible for car crash.However,he fell in love with that man's daughter and everything since that time.He love her.He love Ji hyo for all his life, but he is so blind with his anger.However,Ji Yoon is his daughter.He will take his daughter back no matter what happened. Ji hyo gave Ji Yoon her first name,Song. She didn't give his.How can she do that! He admits that he was bad but what about her father.If her  father drove carefully,his sister may still alive and she may even meet with her niece,Ji Yoon .
"Ji Yoon yah,appa love you very much" Jong kook said while looking at Ji yoon's photo on his phone.
Kim Jong kook POV
Jong kook press the bell of Gary's apartment.
"Hyung,I don't know that you are still here"Gary said to Jong kook as soon as he saw him

"Yeah,I still have a case I need to solve.Gary yah,is Ji Yoon here?"Jong kook asked and Gary seem a little bit confuse.

"Yes,she is hyung.Why does you ask hyung? If you want to see her,just come inside and you don't need to ask like you was forbidden from seeing her.come in hyung.She is playing with hao"
Gary give a way for Jong kook to come

As soon as he enters the room,he can hear the small laughter from his princess.

"Ji Yoon yah,Hao yah"Jong kook call the kids

"Samchom,you are here again"Hao said

"Why? don't you want me to come here? Hao yah"Jong kook asked with a hurt tone

"Aniya,samchom.I want you to come here everyday. Ji Yoon told me that you played with her and bought an ice-cream for her,right samchom?"

"Neh,we both have a good time"Jong kook smile sweetly at his daughter and her daughter simle him back.what a lovely smile.Then Jong kook spend the time with kids for almost three hours and he need to go back to hotel because of a meeting. Jong kook said goodbye to kids and Gary(today is his day off).Jong kook kiss Ji Yoon cheek and ji Yoon kiss him back.

"Take care Ji Yoon yah,love you"Jong kook said

"Neh, samchon you" Ji Yoon replied him and it makes his heart warm.I don't want to come back yet but he need to go.I should clean my schedule.

When he arrived to his car,he saw Ji hyo.He went straight to her, and she looked at him back

"What are you doing here?"Ji hyo asked

"I want to meet Ji Yoon"jong kook replied

"What!are you crazy?do you think you have the right to meet her? Don't come again"Ji hyo said coldly and Jong kook somehow upset with that .

"She is my daughter and I have every right to meet her.You didn't even give her my first name .She is my daughter too."

"How dare you say yourself her father! She is my daughter. I don't want her to go through what I had suffer"

"Do you know why I do that to you?"

"You said you wanted to hurt me!"

"Yes,I wanted to hurt you because you are the daughter of that man who killed my sister"Jong kook said with hatred while Ji hyo's eyes wide open.

"What are you talking about" Ji hyo asked with confusion.

"Because of your father careless my sister died.If your father drove carefully,the accident will never happened and so my sister never died and my mom will not depressed that much too"Jong kook said with sad tone.Ji hyo can't say anything instead she passed jong kook and went inside the building.

Jong kook looked Ji hyo's back and then he has been punched by a man.

Hi,readers.I am sorry for my bad storyline.I know my story isn't perfect but I can't think much because of the current situation in my country. Covid-19 is worse and worse every day.Now,our small town isn't safe anymore.

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